Meryem Kugzruk (Youth Applicant)

Meryem plans to attend this coming Tuesday’s board meeting. Remember – voting for board members happens at face to face meetings – so no responses are needed – unless you have questions. Name: Meryem Kugzruk Mailing Address: 4231 Rosebud Lane, Fairbanks, AK 99709 Email Address: Home phone: (907)452-8283 Cell phone: (907)460-4243 1. We use…


June 19, 2012 Meeting Minutes

Fairbanks Youth Advocates Board Meeting June 19,2012, 5:00-7:05 Roll Call: Present:  Patrick Endres, Dave Miller, Brad Johnston, Danny Bramer, Kathy Birch, Barbara Tyndall, Rilene Ann, Rodney Gaskins (Rescue Mission) Ed/PD Marylee Bates, Dave Bates Absent:  Sarah Finnell Welcome to Rilene Ann to the FYA Board May Minutes:  Patrick, Danny (MSP) Unfinished Business: Fundraising ideas: June/July…


May 29, Tuesday, 2012 Meeting Agenda

ROLL CALL  MINUTES APPROVAL UNFINISHED BUSINESS BOARD RETREAT: Meeting location and time – August? Labor Day weekend? VIDEO PRODUCTION: A 3- MINUTE PRESENTATION FOR CHURCHES??? OR OTHER? FARMERS MARKET We practiced at the FRM on 4/24 and will also participate in their Recycleganza on 6/2 in order to practice setting up, cooking and taking down…
