Board Meeting Minutes 12-18-12

FAIRBANKS YOUTH ADVOCATES BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING DECEMBER 18, 2012 Roll Call: Present:  Patrick Endres, Kathy Birch, Sarah Finnell, Danny Bramer, Meryem Kugzruk, Rilene Ann, Barbara Tyndall, Marylee Bates, Jeff Bizzarro Absent:  Dave Miller, Brad Johnston Opening Prayer: Marylee opened in prayer Minutes: Patrick moved to approve the November minutes; Rilene seconded; approved unanimously. We…


Meeting minutes 11/26/2012

November 26, 2012 FYA Board Meeting Minutes Meeting started at 5:07pm Present: Meryem Kugzruk, Rilene Anne, Patrick Endres, Marylee Bates, Kathy Birch, Brad Johnston, Sarah Finnell, Barbara Tyndall (phone) Absent: Dave Miller, Danny Bramer, Opening prayer by Maryem Accept minutes from October. Motion by Patrick; 2nd by Kathy Motion (by Patrick)- An officer can sign…


Shelter Policy Documents

Here are the updated policy documents that we should be apprised of and review. Any final comments please send them to Marylee, or make them here on the post. As an alternative, you can download a .zip file off all of these documents so you can read through them your computer. That link is:…


Shelter documents for review

Please read through these important documents and advise if there is anything you feel as a board should be addressed differently or needs clarification. Once you have read them, please leave a comment saying you have done so. There will be four more coming later in the week. PDF Documents for Review GrievancePolicies.doc BackgroundCheckLetter BackgroundCheckPolicy…


October 29, 2012 Minutes

FAIRBANKS YOUTH ADVOCATES BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 29, 2012 Roll Call: Present:  Patrick Endres, Danny Bramer, Kathryn Birch, Brad Johnston, Sarah Finnell, Barbara Tyndall, Meryrem Kugzruk Absent:  Marylee Bates, Dave Miller, Rilene Ann Prayer: Barb Tyndall opened the meeting in prayer. Minutes:  Danny moved to approve the September minutes; Patrick seconded; approved unanimously. Unfinished Business: Danny reported…
