Draft Green Space

We met with Laura Minski, a landscape architect volunteering her services. She submitted it this week and Christina and I both approve wholeheartedly of this plan. We feel that she captured our needs and wishes in this plan. We are putting it forth to you, for review and to keep you in the loop. This…

Annually Recurring Board Activities

Kathy, Tami, and Sarah put together a proposal of when all of these things should happen throughout the year….comment here and/or we’ll discuss this at the next board meeting. January- Budget Proposal & Adoption February- Board Self Evals March- Executive Director Annual Objectives & Guidance April- Volunteer Appreciation May- One Homeless Night: begin recruiting teams…

New Donor Packet /Draft

We are looking for suggestions and proofing/editing skills. For first time donors, we would like to send them a: 1. Cover letterNewDonorLetter 2. Brochure – about us New Donor BrochurePDF-2 3. Copy of most recent Newsletter As you have time, please review these and feel free to suggest wording or edits, etc.  We will discuss them the…