April 2015 Meeting Minutes

Roll call: Patrick Endres, Sarah Finnell, Kathy Birch, Tami Manning, Barb Tyndall (via phone), Dave Miller, Meryem Kugzruk, Chick Wallace, Absent: Dean Gustafson, Brad Johnston Open in prayer by Patrick Accept minutes from March 2015 meeting: Patrick motioned to accept March 2015 minutes, Tami seconded. Motion carried. Begin executive session ED Self Evaluation Discussions (Marylee absent…

Annually Recurring Board Activities

Kathy, Tami, and Sarah put together a proposal of when all of these things should happen throughout the year….comment here and/or we’ll discuss this at the next board meeting. January- Budget Proposal & Adoption February- Board Self Evals March- Executive Director Annual Objectives & Guidance April- Volunteer Appreciation May- One Homeless Night: begin recruiting teams…

Property Update

Greetings, The seller at 133 8th Avenue turned down our counter offer. We will get our earnest money back ($1,000.00). I am fine with this, I believe we are being prudent with our funds in the current financial environment. The other offer is still moving forward, the title company has to resolve some minor issues…