June 17, 2020 Board Meeting Agenda

Roll call Open in prayer  Accept May 2020 minutes  Signature items Time sheets Thank you notes ED Report  Transition  Staffing Foraker Certificate in Nonprofit Management YHDP update Clearwater Update Financials Financial Report – Jim Williams  Unfinished Business Planning Meeting for Core Values, Strategic Plan, and Business Plan June is month to review – tabled New…

May 20, 2020 Board Meeting Agenda

Roll call Open in prayer  Accept April 2020 minutes  Signature items Time sheets Thank you notes ED Report  Staffing YHDP update Clearwater Updates Transition process COVID-19 Financial Report – Jim Williams  Statement of Activity Balance Sheet Board Response Committee Reports Fundraising Committee Carhartts and Pearls  One Homeless Night Virtual Paint Night Sunshine Committee Volunteer Appreciation…

Night shift $1 raise

Hi Everyone, I know we talked about delaying a board vote on accepting the proposed pay scale for hourly only folks, and that is fine….we can take it up during the October meeting. However, I would like to propose that we take up a vote for the night shift only. I would like to propose…

Grant resolution

Resolution for grant funds: WHEREAS each year in the Interior of Alaska, there are hundreds of youth without safe shelter, and youth reported as runaway, and youth lacking access to resources to meet their basic needs and support to find stable, appropriate housing and because there are no other shelters designed to specifically meet the…

March 20, 2019 Board Meeting Agenda

Roll Call Open in prayer Mission Review: Revisit campus plan and current property ownership Accept minutes from February meeting Signature Time sheets Financial Report Unfinished Business 4820 Drake Rental: who, what, how, when, etc. Ed Report Staffing Update Stephanie gone – (gift from the board) VISTA Divorce, employment authorization, end of agreed term, moving to…

TAY project bank account

Denali State Bank called this week and invited us to open a bank account with them. My immediate thought was unprofessional! But loan officer, Ana Koumal then said, “I don’t know what your relationship is with your bank, and I’m sure it’s great, but we want to build a relationship with you.” And that started…

February 2019 Minutes

Roll Call- Present: Dave Miller; Paul Dick; Patrick Endres; Marylee Bates; Sarah Finnell; Joyce Weis. Open in prayer by Paul Mission Review: Walk through The Door- Reflections/thoughts: warm, homey, welcoming feel. Nice to see the imprint of the community (upgrade with couches, charging ports, washer/dryers, new lockers, etc) Accept minutes from January meeting (MSP Dave,…