May 13, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Roll Call- Present: Joyce Weis; Paul Alanson; Patrick Endres; Marylee Bates; Sarah Finnell. Absent: Dave Miller Open in prayer by Joyce Accept minutes from March & April meeting (MSP Paul, Joyce) Signature items: Time sheets Financial Report Update on Governor’s Budget and BHAP- as of today, the budget includes 100% of the funding that we…

February 2019 Minutes

Roll Call- Present: Dave Miller; Paul Dick; Patrick Endres; Marylee Bates; Sarah Finnell; Joyce Weis. Open in prayer by Paul Mission Review: Walk through The Door- Reflections/thoughts: warm, homey, welcoming feel. Nice to see the imprint of the community (upgrade with couches, charging ports, washer/dryers, new lockers, etc) Accept minutes from January meeting (MSP Dave,…

March 12, 2018 Meeting Minutes

Roll call- Present Paul Dick; Patrick Endres; Sarah Finnell; Marylee Bates. Absent: Dave Miller Open in prayer by Patrick Mission Review (Review ED Directives and Short Term Goals): A question came up- for how many of our youth is family reunification a possibility? Accept minutes from February (MSP: Patrick, Sarah) Unfinished Business Discuss creative transportation…