Saturday’s Updated Agenda

Be sure to log into your gmail account and check out the shared document titled: the Not Retreat, Sign Up Sheet. Also if you need roadside assistance call 978-2332. 8:30 Business Meeting: Review Treasurers August Report Internet Security Issues February Fundraiser Other Tentative September Meeting date: Sept. 17 ?? 9- 1:00 Meeting facilitated by Mike…

July’s Director Report

Overall: Stretch, recover, stretch, recover. May & June Meetings:
 Fairbanks Chamber:
 7/3/ FHHC (Fairbanks Homeless & Housing Coalition)– 6/26 Youth Focus Group: is a committee of the FHHC & I chair this. multiple meetings – getting ready for Angry, Young & Poor. Fairbanks Rescue Mission: The Vista’s and I attend weekly staff meetings at FRM…

Meeting minutes 7-31-12

FAIRBANKS YOUTH ADVOCATES BOARD MEETING JULY 31, 2012  5:00—7:00 Roll call Present: Patrick Endres, Barbara Tyndall, Kathryn Birch, Rilene Ann, Sarah Finnell, Meryem Kugzruk, Brad Johnston, Marylee Bates Absent:  Danny Bramer Prayer—Meryem Kugzruk opened in prayer Minutes Approved unanimously Unfinished Business Google Docs—Patrick Endres asked who is familiar with this program.  Most have had some…

draft of FYA minutes-7-31-12

FAIRBANKS YOUTH ADVOCATES BOARD MEETING JULY 31, 2012, 5:00—7:00   Roll call Present: Patrick Endres, Barbara Tyndall, Kathryn Birch, Rilene Ann, Sarah Finnell, Meryem Kugzruk, Brad Johnston, Marylee Bates Absent:  Danny Bramer , Dave Bates Prayer—Meryem Kugzruk opened in prayer Minutes Approved unanimously Unfinished Business Google Docs—Patrick Endres asked who is familiar with this program. …

Documents for 7/31/12 meeting

(A TOTAL OF 5 DOCUMENTS ARE IN THE CONTENTS OF THIS POST)DRAFT TITLE: Clinical Director PROGRAM: Clearwater Counseling, a program of Fairbanks Youth Advocates REPORTS TO: Fairbanks Youth Advocates Board of Directors STATUS: Full Time SUMMARY: The Clinical Director is responsible for supervising clinicians and for providing a range of clinically appropriate services to adults,…

Meryem Kugzruk (Youth Applicant)

Meryem plans to attend this coming Tuesday’s board meeting. Remember – voting for board members happens at face to face meetings – so no responses are needed – unless you have questions. Name: Meryem Kugzruk Mailing Address: 4231 Rosebud Lane, Fairbanks, AK 99709 Email Address: Home phone: (907)452-8283 Cell phone: (907)460-4243 1. We use…

June 19, 2012 Meeting Minutes

Fairbanks Youth Advocates Board Meeting June 19,2012, 5:00-7:05 Roll Call: Present:  Patrick Endres, Dave Miller, Brad Johnston, Danny Bramer, Kathy Birch, Barbara Tyndall, Rilene Ann, Rodney Gaskins (Rescue Mission) Ed/PD Marylee Bates, Dave Bates Absent:  Sarah Finnell Welcome to Rilene Ann to the FYA Board May Minutes:  Patrick, Danny (MSP) Unfinished Business: Fundraising ideas: June/July…

Director’s Notes 5/2/2012

Overall: We continue to build our capacity and broaden our network in the community. With each and every board member we are stronger. Thank you to all. The burden really is heavy, but knowing we have each other, the load just got lighter. Thank you for your hearts of compassion, minds that discern, and willing souls.…