July 22, 2015 Minutes

FAIRBANKS YOUTH ADVOCATES BOARD MEETING 7-22-15 Call to order: 5:06 Present:  Patrick Endres, Tami Manning, Chick Wallace, Barbara Tyndall, Dave Miller, Sarah Finnell, Marylee Bates, Janelle Bronniman Absent: Meryem Kugzruk, Liz Fabian , Dean Gustafson Open In prayer: Chick Wallace opened in prayer Patrick welcomed our new shelter supervisor, Janelle Bronniman.  Janelle shared some of…

May 2015 Minutes

  Fairbanks Youth Advocates Board Meeting May 27, 2015 Call to Order: 5:00 Present:  Patrick Endres, Brad Johnston, Barb Tyndall, Kathy Birch, Sarah Finnell, Meryem Kugzuk, Dave Miller, Liz Fabian, Chick Wallace, Rodney Gaskins, Marylee Bates, Niki Merriweather Absent:  Tami Manning, Dean Gustafson Open in Prayer: Kathy Birch opened in prayer Patrick announced that this…

April 2015 Meeting Minutes

Roll call: Patrick Endres, Sarah Finnell, Kathy Birch, Tami Manning, Barb Tyndall (via phone), Dave Miller, Meryem Kugzruk, Chick Wallace, Absent: Dean Gustafson, Brad Johnston Open in prayer by Patrick Accept minutes from March 2015 meeting: Patrick motioned to accept March 2015 minutes, Tami seconded. Motion carried. Begin executive session ED Self Evaluation Discussions (Marylee absent…

Annually Recurring Board Activities

Kathy, Tami, and Sarah put together a proposal of when all of these things should happen throughout the year….comment here and/or we’ll discuss this at the next board meeting. January- Budget Proposal & Adoption February- Board Self Evals March- Executive Director Annual Objectives & Guidance April- Volunteer Appreciation May- One Homeless Night: begin recruiting teams…

Property Update

Greetings, The seller at 133 8th Avenue turned down our counter offer. We will get our earnest money back ($1,000.00). I am fine with this, I believe we are being prudent with our funds in the current financial environment. The other offer is still moving forward, the title company has to resolve some minor issues…

Property Summary

Greetings fellow board members, Patrick, Marylee and I have collaborated on a brief summary and description of our property. Hopefully this will help you keep track of things as we proceed. Follow this link: http://www.fairbanksyouthadvocates.org/board/fya-properities/ All the best, Dave Miller