(ratings = 1/low-disagree – 5/high-agree)

  1. Board Mission and Purpose

    1. Board meeting presentations and discussions are in alignment with and consistently reference the organization’s mission statement.

      1 2 3 4 5

    2. The board has a strong commitment to the agency’s Christian mission.

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  2. Board Membership

    1. The board has good attendance and members come to meetings prepared to participate. A quorum is reached on a regular basis.

      1 2 3 4 5

    2. The board has a range of talents, experience, and knowledge to accomplish its role, and uses them effectively.

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    3. The board make up is diverse in experience, skills, ethnicity, gender, denomination and age.

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    4. All board members, old and new understand their roles and responsibilities.

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  3. Board Organization

    1. Information provided by the executive director and is adequate to ensure effective board governance and decision-making.

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    2. The committee structure logically addresses the organization’s needs and operations.

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    3. The committees address issues of substance, and provide the board with meeting summaries.

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  4. Board Activities/Meetings

    1. The board spends its time on the issues that matter most to the agency’s success.

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    2. The board works together as a team.

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    3. The board encourages differing points of view and is able to constructively disagree.

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    4. The board routinely educates itself about the work of the agency and issues it will face in the future.

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    5. The board receives regular financial updates and takes necessary steps to ensure the operations of the organization are sound.

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    6. Board members receive meeting agendas and supporting materials in time for adequate advance review.

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    7. The board understands and is supportive of the strategic planning process of the ministry.

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  5. Board Governance/Partnerships

    1. The board agrees on how to judge the agency’s success and regularly measures its effectiveness.

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    2. The board annually reviews its partnering organizations, donors and affiliates.

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  6. Administration/Staff Support

    1. The board has a good relationship and communicates well with the Executive Director and provides annual evaluation and coaching.

      1 2 3 4 5

    2. The board has a good relationship and communicates well with the Clinical Director and provides annual evaluation.

      1 2 3 4 5


Board Member Questions:

  1. How do you assess your contribution to this organization? (You might want to include such things as: attendance at board meetings, donations, participation, promotion and fund-raising, prayer, committee work, or any other areas on which you would like to comment)
  2. How would you like our organization to nurture your development as a board member?
  3. As a board member, what changes would you suggest  in the operation and involvement of the board?
  4. Are you interested in serving beyond your initial commitment?

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