Subjects that need board member votes
Present: Dave Miller; Patrick Endres; Paul Allanson; Joyce Weis; Sarah Finnell by telephone. Absent: none. Points of discussion: -Ballpark figure for ED salary is $70,000 -We currently pay Marylee $46,000, so would need to come up with another $24,000 annually. -Marylee will meet with Mike Sanders to discuss possible interest as new ED tomorrow. He…
I make a motion that we authorize Marylee to move $15,000 from the existing Wedbush account over to the new account established at Denali State Bank.
In order to move forward with the proper authorization of Marylee to sign necessary documents and proceed with the process of securing a loan to purchase the Drake Property, I would like to add the following resolution. BE IT RESOLVED, that Marylee Bates, the Executive Director, and/or Dave Miller, Vice President, is authorized and empowered…
We are working on the BHAP/ESG grant for this coming year. Every year we need a resolution from the board. Please read the following and if you agree, please respond to this post, in your name. When the majority approves – I will put in that date. Thank you. BHAP/ESG RESOLUTION WHEREAS, each year in…
During the board meeting June 22, 2015, we did not have a quorum, so per our discussion during the meeting, I’m making a resolution here regarding adding Liz Fabian as a signer on the necessary WedBush Documents. I make a motion that Liz Fabian, a recent addition to our Board and taking over the officer of treasurer…
The following, in resolution form, is the motion made by Brad Johnston and seconded by Sarah Finnell authorizing Dave Miller to complete the purchase of the adjacent properties. The motion was approved and documented in the minutes but the minutes are only in draft. Please reaffirm your approval and vote to adopt this resolution. …
Upon a second look, I realized that for the bank – we need the names of signers and the names of the proposed signers – and they all need to be listed in the minutes. I called Barb and we talked it out and agreed upon a proposed amendment to the minutes that were…
I move to proceed with making a contingency offer on the three properties discussed by the BOD on 1 July, 2014. No financial commitment will be made without formal BOD approval. This step begins the process of acquiring these properties for FYA.
Per Rodney’s suggestion during our last board meeting… that it may be of benefit to use TDL services to find, test and interview a future employee for the position of administrative support/business manager, here is what Marylee found out: TDL charges $1700 to find and place an employee. They agree to replace the person free…
Please Read, and just advise as to support or not support things like this. Thank you. p.s. You can click on it and expand it if you don’t have eagle eyes 🙂
Building Decisions In order to expedite the building process on the door, we needed to pull certain items from the overall budget since there were not enough funds to cover these. This included appliances, flooring, cabinets, and some other items. As the building process continues, we need to either have these items donated, or we…
I move to authorize Barb Tyndal to sign on behalf of FYA for the purpose of securing a loan for the purchase of 132 10th Avenue, Fairbanks. David Miller
President Patrick Endres made a motion, via internet, that Fairbanks Youth Advocates (formerly known as Clearwater Ministries, Inc.) goes forward with the purchase and acquisition of the house on 132 Tenth Avenue adjacent to The Door at 138 Tenth Avenue. Jeff Bizzarro seconded the motion. Six board members logged on and approved the motion unanimously. There…
Having discussed the issues surrounding the purchase of the house adjacent to the Door on 10th Avenue, including loan options with Northrim Bank, I make a motion that Fairbanks Youth Advocates (Formerly known as Clearwater Ministries, Inc.) goes forward with the purchase and acquisition of the house.
Original message from Dave Miller: Greetings, Here is an update on our shelter project. The City received two bids. Both were over our budget. The low bidder seems to have the superior product and all involved with the scoring process gave them the highest score for all considerations. We are facing a crossroads in that…