Minutes FYA Board Meeting 2-18-15

Fairbanks Youth Advocates Board Meeting 2-18-2015 Call to order: 5:02 Roll Call: Present:  Patrick Endres, Sarah Finnell, Kathy Birch, Barb Tyndall, Meryem Kugzruk, Brad Johnston, Dave Miller, Tami Manning, Chick Wallace, Marylee Bates, Rodney Gaskins, Dean  Gustafson Open in Prayer: Kathy Birch opened in prayer. Welcome and Introduce Dean Gustafson:  Board introduced themselves.  Asked to…

Meeting Minutes, Jan 7, 2015

Board Meeting 1-07-2015 Call to Order:4:40PM Present: Brad Johnston, Sarah Finnell, Tami Manning, Barbara Tyndall, Patrick Endres, Meryem Kugzruk, Dave Miller, Kathy Birch, Marylee Bates Open in Prayer: Tami Manning opened in prayer Visa for FYA: Patrick moved that Marylee acquire an Alaska Airlines Visa for Fairbanks Youth Advocates. Tami seconded. FYA is currently using…

Board Minutes 12-16-14

December 16, 2014 Chick Wallace joined our meeting. Had asked Dave Miller about getting involved. He said he “has a big heart” and empathy for the situation of young people. Told us a little bit about himself and was interested in seeing if he’d want to get involved in our organization. Experience on other boards…

Board Minutes 11-11-14

Fairbanks Youth Advocates Board Meeting-November 11, 2014 Call to order:  5:00 Present:  Patrick Endres, Brad Johnston, Barb Tyndall, Kathy Birch, Sarah Finnell, Marylee Bates, Rodney Gaskins (Rescue Mission) Absent:  Meryem Kugzruk, Dave Miller, Tami Manning Open in Prayer:  Kathy Birch opened in prayer October Minutes:  MSP—Kathy Birch, Brad Johnston, approved unanimously. Patrick Endres and Marylee…

Board Minutes 10-6-14

Fairbanks Youth Advocates Board Meeting October 6, 2014 Call to Order: 5:15pm Present:  Kathy Birch, Dave Miller, Sarah Finnell, Brad Johnston, Meryem Kugzruk, Marylee Bates Absent:  Barb Tyndall, Patrick Endres Open in Prayer:  Kathy Birch 1)    Approve Minutes: Sarah moved to approve September minutes, Kathy seconded. Motion passed. 2)    Executive Director’s Report:  Marylee shared that…

Board Minutes 9-9-14

Fairbanks Youth Advocates Board Meeting September 9, 2014 Call to Order: 5:05 Present:  Patrick Endres, Kathleen Birch, Sarah Finnell, Barbara Tyndall, Brad Johnston Meryem Kugzruk, Marylee Bates, Dave Miller Absent:  Tami Manning Open in Prayer:  Barb Tyndall opened in prayer.  Dennis and Tami Manning were remembered in prayer as Dennis is battling cancer. Approve Minutes:…

Board Minutes 7-30-2014

Fairbanks Youth Advocates Board Meeting July 30, 2014 Call to order: 5:00 Present: Tami Manning, Patrick Endres, Kathy Birch, Brad Johnston, Barbara Tyndall, Dave Miller, Marylee Bates Absent: Meryem Kugzruk, Sarah Finnell, Open in Prayer—Tami opened in prayer Minutes: Barb moved to approve June minutes as amended, Kathy seconded. Approved unanimously. Patrick moved to accept…

Board Minutes 7-1-14

FAIRBANKS YOUTH ADVOCATES BOARD MEETING July 1, 2014 5:00-7:00 Call to order: 5:00 Present:  Patrick Endres, Kathy Birch, Tami Manning, Sarah Finnell, Barbara Tyndall, Brad Johnston, Marylee Bates, Dave Miller Absent:  Meryem Kugzruk Barbara Tyndall opened in prayer. Minutes postponed until members had an opportunity to read them. Board member reviewed long term and mid-term,…

Board meeting minutes 7-01-2014

FAIRBANKS YOUTH ADVOCATES BOARD MEETING July 1, 2014 5:00-7:0o Call to order: 5:00  Present: Patrick Endres, Kathy Birch, Tami Manning, Sarah Finnell, Barbara Tyndall, Brad Johnston, Marylee Bates, Dave Miller Absent: Meryem Kugzruk Barbara Tyndall opened in prayer. Minutes postponed until next meeting. Board members reviewed long term and mid-term, short-term goals. Need to complete…

Board Minutes 6-3-214

Tuesday, June 3, 2014 Roll Call: present- Marylee, Kathy, Patrick, Barb (phone), Meryem, Sarah F., Brad, Dave Miller Open in prayer by Kathy Motion to accept May 2014 meeting minutes by Sarah. Meryem seconded. Minutes approved. Mission Review Staffing: We have 7 Youth Empowerment Specialists (YES people), which brings us to a head count of…

Board Minutes 5-1-2014

Fairbanks Youth Advocates Board Meeting May 1, 2014 Call to order: 5:00 Present: Patrick Endres, Kathy Birch, Barbara Tyndall, Brad Johnston, Dave Miller, Sarah Finell, Meryem Kugzruk Prayer: Meryem opened in prayer. Minutes: Patrick moved to approve the minutes; Sarah seconded; approved unanimously. Mission Review:  Patrick and Marylee reiterated the responsibilities of a Vista Volunteer since…

Board Minutes 4-3-14

Fairbanks Youth Advocates Board Meeting 4-3-2014 5:00-7:00  Call to Order: 5:03 Present:  Patrick Endres, Kathy Birch, Meryem Kugzruk, Sarah Finnell, Barbara Tyndall, Brad Johnston, Dave Miller, Marylee Bates Visitor: Rodney Gaskins Executive Director; Fairbanks Rescue Mission   Open in Prayer: Barb Tyndall opened in prayer Executive Director—Marylee reported that our Community Care License came in the…

Board Minutes 2-26-14

Fairbanks Youth Advocates Board Meeting February 26, 2014 Call to Order: 5:06 Present:  Patrick Endres,  Meryem Kugzuk,  Barbara Tyndall, Brad Johnston,  Sarah Finnell,  Kathy Birch, Marylee Bates Visitor: Mark  Harris Absent:  Dave Miller Barbara Tyndall opened in prayer. Patrick moved to approve the minutes; Kathy seconded.  Approved unanimously. Mission Review:  Board reviewed goals set at…

Minutes Board Meeting 1-22-14

Fairbanks Youth Advocates Board Meeting 1-22-14   Call to order: 5:04 Present: Patrick Endres, Meryem Kugzruk, Sarah Finnell , Brad Johnston, Barbara Tyndall, Kathy Birch Absent:  Dave Miller Visitor: Rodney Gaskins, Executive Director Fairbanks Rescue Mission  Open in Prayer:  Patrick opened in prayer. Minutes:  Meryrem moved to approve the minutes; Kathy seconded.  Approved unanimously.  Voting…