TAY project bank account

Denali State Bank called this week and invited us to open a bank account with them. My immediate thought was unprofessional! But loan officer, Ana Koumal then said, “I don’t know what your relationship is with your bank, and I’m sure it’s great, but we want to build a relationship with you.” And that started…

February 2019 Minutes

Roll Call- Present: Dave Miller; Paul Dick; Patrick Endres; Marylee Bates; Sarah Finnell; Joyce Weis. Open in prayer by Paul Mission Review: Walk through The Door- Reflections/thoughts: warm, homey, welcoming feel. Nice to see the imprint of the community (upgrade with couches, charging ports, washer/dryers, new lockers, etc) Accept minutes from January meeting (MSP Dave,…

New Project: Youth Transition Project

Special Purpose GOAL Round funding NOFA Housing First for Youth – a best practices document Our target population for this project: tentatively: 18-21-24 year old youth – transitional age who are: Homeless, hard to house, unstable Experiencing a Developmental Disability Living with substance abuse challenges Living with emotional disorders Aging out of foster care Biggest…