Our Savings Account

Greetings fellow board members, After our last meeting, I spoke at length with a financial advisor that has practiced here in Fairbanks for about 35 years. I gave him a brief overview of our situation and asked for his views. He was very firmly in favor of us continuing our current conservative plan, maximizing our…

September 21, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes

Roll call  Present – Patrick Endres, Sarah Finnell, David Miller, Jim McDermott, Tami Manning, Rodney Gaskins, Heidi Bryan, Marylee Bates Absent – None Open in prayer by Rodney Gaskins Christina Cortez-Bannick Presentation to the board about possible directions to explore regarding a social enterprise concept. See uploaded presentation on board website. FYA review (tabled for…

Budget Revision Items

SeptOctNov Dec2016 Budget Revisions (1)   Hi Everyone, I will explain this document on Wednesday. This is not meant to be an updated budget (that will be coming soon). But rather these are some immediate changes we are making in order to slow down the spending. See you Wednesday.

Movie Theatre Contract

Mammoth advertising is working on a 15 second video for us to use in the Goldstream Theaters. Attached here is a year long contract. It is serious money, and this is nothing new. We have been working towards this end for 6 months, it is just finally here. The board has already approved significant funds…

Draft Green Space

We met with Laura Minski, a landscape architect volunteering her services. She submitted it this week and Christina and I both approve wholeheartedly of this plan. We feel that she captured our needs and wishes in this plan. We are putting it forth to you, for review and to keep you in the loop. This…

May 24, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order at 5:03pm Roll call- Present: Tami Manning; Patrick Endres; Sarah Finnell; Barb Tyndall; Liz Fabian; Dave Miller (None Absent) Open in prayer by Tami Enter Executive session to discuss ED Eval. ED 360 Evaluation 5:20- 5:25pm, Invite Marylee to the board meeting Q&A with Marylee regarding Evals Review Board Directives for…

2017 BHAP/ESG Resolution

We are working on the BHAP/ESG grant for this coming year. Every year we need a resolution from the board. Please read the following and if you agree, please respond to this post, in your name. When the majority approves – I will put in that date. Thank you. BHAP/ESG RESOLUTION WHEREAS, each year in…