Understanding Nonprofit Financials
Per our discussion with Mike Walsh on February 8, 2014. Here is a link to a PDF on Understanding Nonprofit Financials. Understanding Nonprofit Financials
Per our discussion with Mike Walsh on February 8, 2014. Here is a link to a PDF on Understanding Nonprofit Financials. Understanding Nonprofit Financials
Date: Saturday, Feb 1, 2014 Time: 9:30AM to 2:00PM Place: The Door Food Please bring either a lunch for yourself or a snack to share with the group. We will take a short break at noon, but not a lengthy lunch break. Agenda 9:30-10:00 Walk through the facilities, both The Door and FYA Offices at…
A scheduling conflict exists for the Feb 25, 2014 board meeting. Can everyone do Feb 26? Please respond here.
January Treasurer’s Report – corrected
Roll Call Possible Visitor: Mark Harris Open in prayer Accept December 2013 meeting minutes Voting and Signature Items? Dave’s & Marylee job contracts are under annual review and we should sign off on them and keep the board apprised of the contractual contents. All employees for FYA were approved a COLA at the last board…
Roll Call Open in prayer Accept November 2013 meeting minutes (please re-read) Mission Review: Stats quiz Financial Report: Brad December 2013 Treasurer’s report 2014 Budget review and adoption Budget work sheets 2014 proposed operating budget 2013 mid year cpi2013 and 2014 budgets Marylee would like to add two line items: staff appreciation – $300? or ?? birthday…
Please do a quick review of the numbers in this insurance policy. If you think that we should change any, we can discuss that at the upcoming board meeting. We a board, I thought it important that we all put eyes on this. Liability Insurance Policy
Mike Walsh with Foraker has said he is available to meet with us on Feb 1. Can everyone free up their schedule to attend this? We can define the specifics of time at the next board meeting, but we would like to lock into a date. Please respond here to confirm.
2013 November Treasurer’s Report
November 2013 Board Meeting Agenda Roll Call Open in prayer Accept October 2013 meeting minutes (note the revision under item number 6 that Kathy did after the post: CHANGES ARE AS FOLLOWS: 6. Policies: We reviewed the Financial Policies posted on the board website: changes which are “grant driven” discussed and agreed to pass. We…
2014 Proposed Operating Budget-1 Approved 2013 Operating Budget
FYA Board Meeting October 23, 2013 Opened at 5:07 Members Present: Dave Miller (presiding), Sarah Finnell, Brad Johnston, Meryem Kugzruk, Kathy Birch, Marylee Bates. Guests: David Bates, Niki Merriweather, Rodney Gaskins. Absent Patrick Endres and Barb Tyndall Meryem opened with prayer. Minutes from September meeting were approved. Treasure Report by Brad. Reviewed. (See the report…
September 17, 2013 Meeting pre-agenda Roll Call Open in Prayer Approve August minutes (please review prior to meeting) Board training: connecting with our mission How many staff does FYA currently employ? What are the positions? Voting items: are there any? We must accept a budget, at least in a temporary status that can be revised…
September Treasurer’s Report