August 5th or 6th meeting??

Greetings everybody. I had an unexpected change in my schedule which extends my trip outside of Alaska. I’m now returning on August 4th, and would therefore be available to meet on Aug 5 or 6 at my place. Or, if you want to carry on with something earlier, I could try to chime in via…

July Meeting- weigh in

We have 2 date options: Sunday, July 24th, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00p.m.  OR Monday, July 25th, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.  Though I hate to tread on your Sundays, I know that after 8 hours of work – I am not always in the meeting mood. Dave and I are in town on these dates and can make…

Basic Center Grant is submitted

Just to update everyone. As of yesterday noon, the grant for an emergency shelter for runaway and homeless youth was done. It took another 10 hours of solving every technology problem imaginable before it was actually submitted into and we had the receipt of them receiving the grant in our email box. The deadline…

Name Change

Hello fellow board members, If you could quickly reply to the following matter it would be greatly appreciated. Regarding our name, and its relative website URL: I went ahead and secured the URL As I began working with visual and descriptive comments to give clarity to the name and what we are about, there…

May 30, 2011 Meeting agenda

Hey all, here are a few thoughts on subjects needing to be discussed at our meeting on Monday. Please give a little thought beforehand so we can make some quick progress. Also, please feel free to add anything. Communication protocol, blog interface and interaction expectations Officer positions Discussion of additional board members Establishing a name…

Basic Center Program Grant This is one of the grants that Family Focus, here in Fairbanks, held years ago. It is for 24/7 emergency shelter for Run Away and Homeless Youth- for up to 21 days of care. This is not Transition $ nor is it Drop In Center $$. There is a cap for $100,000.00 per year, for…

May meeting?

Ok, sorry this has been so long in coming. Since we moved the date around for Barb and she can’t come for either date. I would like to change the date BACK to May, 17th, Tuesday. * Barb, this way you will be in Alaska. YES, please call in – or let us call you…

Request from Kathie G., billing agent

Proposed Contract From Kathie: CMI Blling Contract 03 14 2011 pdf On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 2:19 PM, DENNIS O GETTINGER <> wrote: I contacted 3 businesses in Fairbanks:1)FBKS Billing Services, 456-7767: charges 6-8%/revenue collected depending upon volume of claims per month. 2) Golden Heart Medical Billing, 459-8200: generally charges 10%/revenue collected. 3) Abaco Health Care…

Safe Shelter Thinking

Food for thought: Subject: behind First Assembly “Wanting to sell our house if possible before next year: 7 bedrooms with windows, 3 full baths; up/down duplexable; repairs and updating in process; daylight basement; double carpeted garage w extra optional furnace; hwbbh; full back yard- front landscaped-trees; near churches and schools; Taku Subdivision. 4 Great storage…