April 26, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes (Approved)
- Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm. Board members in attendance: Jim Williams, Leland Rich, Kendi Adams. A quorum was present. Also present: Brian Taylor, ED.
- Opening Prayer (Jim)
- Meeting Agenda MSP Leland, Kendi.
- Meeting Minutes
- November & December 2022 minutes. Approved with no objection
- Board Housekeeping
- Thank you notes, signatures – donor thank you cards signed.
- Board member recruitment – Update on Rob and Stephanie, they both declined – very disappointing. Will keep trying.
- Financial Report
- See agenda for reports.
- About $80K in accounts receivable outstanding from Tricare
- Owe $40K to Bettisworth North
- Negative balances on checking and savings?
- Brian will check and get back to us
- Apparently nobody has access to quickbooks
- Lots of outstanding numbers and questions
- Don’t count on Alnise – last payment per agreed settlement was October 2022
- Overall – not counting the AR, we have about 2.9 months of cash on hand. If AR was settled, we’d have 6+ months of cash on hand.
- Get Sam (& RJG) involved and access to quickbooks and get this all figured out
- RJG has services where they host the accounts so everyone can be on the same page – RDP
- Kendi thinks it would be better to have more people double-checking FYA’s finances
- Brian says he has good direction
- Seeing first billing revenue come in from Keystone.
- Donor giving starting to pick up.
- ED Report. See ED report in agenda.
- Apologies for getting things out late
- 11 kids in the shelter; super busy time
- Most kids are OCS handoffs, so we should be getting money from the state for their housing
- Tammy WIlson needs good information about the paths of these kids in and out of the Door to calculate the sump cost – actionable information
- JIM will contact Tammy immediately after the meeting
(Anna has a great relationship with Tammy Wilson)
- JIM will contact Tammy immediately after the meeting
- What does it cost to have it fully occupied
- What does it cost to have one OCS kid
- Wages
- Water
- Incidentals
- Licensing
- Compared to SOAP center
- Etc.
- We might need to enter an agreement with the state to help offset costs for wards of the state
- Set of expectations
- Subcontracting with the state of Alaska to figure that out
- Need to reconfigure how data is gathered at the Door so that it is streamlined and sustainable
- Fully staffed, so taking as many kids as possible
- Roy Walters is replacing Krystel in June (hybrid internship) and F/T in September
- Lots of people doing good jobs – developed some leaders (yay!)
- It’s hard to segregate kids when there are issues
- Interviewed a counselor, but didn’t hire him
- Finished the grant
- Recommendations
- Moving to different bank
- We all approved moving to Denali State Bank via email vote last month. Will ratify as new business item later in this meeting.
- Expansion
- Brian thinks we’re up to date with Bettisworth North
- More to do contractually with them
- Alnise Restitution – as an agency what else can happen to get money from her?
- P.O. says there’s nothing he can do
- No one seems willing to do anything
- Brian is at the end of the trail
- Moving to different bank
- Brian is 90% sure Krystel is going to come back and work at the Door.
- Keystone update – we’re full
- Anna sees 25+ patients per week
- Ft. Wainwright is referring to us
- It is less to outsource it to us than provide the service at Bassett (Jim is thinks they’re referring work they cannot perform to us, and we shouldn’t be doing that at a loss)
- We may want to enter into some kind of agreement with Ft. Wainwright or Bassett to provide this service
- Many family/spouses come to Keystone because they want quality care
- Brian is going to talk to Anna about it
- Unfinished Business
- Facilities planning
- CB wants to know which overlay we liked best. We agreed on option B with additional parking in front of the Door
- Brian & Leland raised concerns that we don’t have the bandwidth to do this project (board members, staff)
- Discussion was to decide on a the vision (see option B) and hit the pause button until we could secure funding, board members, community support. Use the vision and plan B design layouts to help communicate the vision.
- Orange house (on 8th) interested in either purchasing or selling lots on 8th avenue
- Are we buyers sellers or in between?
- Jim says we’re not doing anything with it yet, we haven’t made any solid plans.
- After discussion, decision was to table the idea.
- Nothing from the City of Fairbanks on the CDBG grant close out.
- RJG is wrapping up the 2022 990 filing (due to the IRS in May)
- Facilities planning
- New Business
- (Action) – Motion: Ratify the email vote to move FYA’s banking services from Alaska USA to Denali State Bank. MSP: Leland/Kendi. Discussion about decision to choose Denali State Bank vs. other service providers in town. Decision was based on deep rooted ties, relationships and trust in the community. Motion passed with no objections.
- (Action) – Motion: Ratify the email vote to move $40,000 from savings account to checking account. MSP: Leland/Jim. Discussion: our updated finance policies require board approval to move funds between banking accounts. Cash movement was needed to cover operating expenses. Motion passed with no objections.
- Committee Report
- Keystone Building Project (Jim & Leland) See facilities report, above.
- Next Meeting(s) or Events
- Next Board Meeting: May 31, 2023. 5:30pm. Location: Keystone
- Will move board meetings to the 3rd or 4th Tuesdays starting in June. June date TBD.
- Jim in Texas May 12-30.
- Adjourned at 7:07 pm.