June 29, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
- Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm. Board members in attendance: Jim Williams, , Ti Ames, Kendi Adams. A quorum was present. Also present: Brian Taylor, ED.
- Opening Prayer (Brian)
- Meeting Agenda MSP Ti, Kendi.
- Meeting Minutes
- May 25, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes MSP Kendi, Ti. Approved as presented.
- Board Housekeeping
- Thank you notes, signatures – none.
- Financial Reports
- See attached. Did not receive funds from BHAP grant for May, as it was requested but not yet processed.
- Discussion on effects of Governor’s veto on grants; should remain static. ESG grant prelim letter indicates $62K award (formula funding).
- ED Report
- AW Incident Report (Jim and Brian); she will be pleading out, sentencing guidelines will require six month jail time. Repayment (restitution) will be court supervised. Next hearing is early August.
- Staff morale is good, discussion on inflation/cost of living and potential for adding 5 additional paid holidays.
- Keystone update (Brian – See ED report) interviewed three counselors, hired one FT to begin 09/01.
- Met with CB at BN (see new business for discussion)
- Security/safety discussion: additional cameras are being added, angles adjusted. Lighting will be upgraded ahead of winter. Need to look toward double staffing evening shift to increase safety for staff. Follow through on fencing: waiting for response from companies.
- Unfinished Business
- 2021 990 Tax return – extension will be filed; RJG working on this.
- Volunteer appreciation BBQ; Tuesday, July 12 4:00 PM – (?)
- Continue facilities planning
- CDBG close out with City of Fairbanks – borough attorney has it, and should be introducing ordinance. No new developments.
- Review possibilities for benefits package for employees (pend for 90 days)
- New Business
- Discuss Bettisworth-North memo; CB wants to pair us up with a design contractor, review to begin in September, project to begin in Spring 2023. Funding gaps need to be identified, tangible project scope to share with community support network.
- Committee Report
- Executive (Jim) nothing to report.
- Engagement & Outreach (Kendi) nothing to report.
- Compliance (vacant)
- Next Meeting(s) or Events
- Next Board Meeting Aug 24th @ 5:30pm. (Red House) Location: Red House
- Jim out of town August 9-12
- Ti out of country June 30 – July 7
- Kendi out of town July 7 – 10
- Brian potentially out of town August 26 – Sept. 5
- Adjourned at 6:38 pm.