- Meeting convened at 5:33 pm via Zoom Video Conference. Attendees: Jim Williams, Kendi Adams, Leland Rich, Patrick Endres, Executive Director Brian Taylor. A quorum was present.
- Prayer/Devotion (Jim)
- Meeting Minutes/Agenda
- September 22, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
- Motion to approve September 22, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes. MSP Leland, Patrick. Approved unanimously.
- Approval of October meeting agenda. No requested changes.
- September 22, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
- Signature Items, Board Housekeeping
- Jim mentioned that we need to appoint a secretary at one of the next meetings.
- Financial Reports
- Made the decision to leave W&W about a week ago. Still have an outstanding balance of $45,000
- Working with Sam at RJG. Moving to QuickBooks Desktop.
- Because of the move from W&W to RJG, we don’t have financial statements for this meeting.
- Leland: cashflow analysis is it takes about $50,000 per month to run FYA. Most of the expenses are payroll.
- BHAP & ESG account for $220,000 of the $600,000 need.
- What we don’t have a handle on is the donations.
- We have a fair amount of cash on hand.
- Bottom line – we operate on a budget deficit. Fundraising seems to be a big deal, and we need to track on that.
- Kendi – did we ever give Marylee and Rodney a bonus like we did the staff?
- Motion (Kendi) (2nd by Patrick). “Issue a bonus to Rodney and Marylee, at least $1,000.” Motion as Amended Passed unanimously.
- Jim moved to amend the amount to be $3,000 (2nd by Patrick). Amendment passed unanimously.
- Brian and Jim to get thank you cards together, board to come in and sign.
- ED Report
- Facilities update. Red house is up and running
- Door closed for 10-days in late Sept/early October due to COVID-19.
- We’ve brought on 3 new employees since last month.
- Will be in Anchorage visiting the Covenant House. Seeing if we can be more than just a shelter
- Hired full time Development Director: Kayla Myer. Will be in charge of donor recruitment, fundraising and marketing. (She’s coming from the Rescue Mission)
- YHDP – as you know, we returned that last month. HUD and the State is currently trying to decide how to flex that money to another agency.
- Kate Hinckley – large donation in September ($25,000). Thankyou card sent.
- Staff morale is high. Staff are curious and trying to make the shelter better. Administratively (me and Jocelyn) things are hard. Daily admin tasks are hard, but we’re moving in the right direction. Appreciate the change in culture.
7. Unfinished Business
- (Action) IRS 990 filing for 2020.
- Will need to come before the board when complete.
- (Action) CDBG close out transfer of shelter from CoF to FYA
- Margarita Bell is the contact for this resolution. Brian to work on this.
- (Action) Clearwater Business Plan
- Board to meet for Business Plan in November
- (Action) Financial Policies [Leland & Jim]
- Jim sent DRAFT policy out for review by Board and staff. Comments due back to Leland and Jim November 4th.
8. New Business.
- New Business
- Jim updated Board on Committee realignment. Looking for board members to take on running of the Engagement and Outreach Committee and the Compliance Committee
- COVID-19 Vaccine Policy – staff update by Brian. Board discussed and entertained a motion to rescind the policy. MSP (Jim/Patrick). Passed unanimously. Board asked staff to come up with COVID-19 mitigation measures that would help significantly reduce risk of another operational closure at the Door.
- First look FY22 Budget – Leland briefed the board during the finance discussion. Will move this item to unfinished business until FY22 budget is adopted.
- Letter from David Bates. Board went into executive session to discuss request David Bates made in recent letter to the board. Board denied his request.
9. Committee Reports – nothing to report, committees are new and getting established.
10. Next regular meeting: November 17th at 6:00pm. The Red House. If COVID-19 risks are too high, we will convene via Zoom. Will make that decision closer to November 17.
- Board absences: Dave Miller out of state until April.
Adjourned at 7:20pm
Jim Williams, FYA Board President