Kathy, Tami, and Sarah put together a proposal of when all of these things should happen throughout the year….comment here and/or we’ll discuss this at the next board meeting.
January- Budget Proposal & Adoption
February- Board Self Evals
March- Executive Director Annual Objectives & Guidance
April- Volunteer Appreciation
May- One Homeless Night: begin recruiting teams & advertising event
June- [OHN campaign]
July- [OHN campaign]
August- [OHN campaign]
September- One Homeless Night
October- Annual Retreat/Operating Plan/Strategic Planning
November- Staff Appreciation/Homeless Youth Awareness Month
December- Executive Director 360 Evals (self, staff, board)
Thanks Sarah, Tami and Kath,
This is a good start. We can start building this directly on the page listed under “Calendar” in the Navigation Menu above. http://www.fairbanksyouthadvocates.org/board/annual-timeline/
I’m sure there are a few more items to add.