Our Core Purpose
Facilitating life transitions for at-risk youth
Our Core Values
Unconditional Love ♦ Hope ♦ Restoration ♦ Compassion ♦ Faith
Our Core Programs
Shelter ♦ Counseling ♦ Family Mediation
Long-Term Goal (2018)
Fairbanks Youth Advocates has in place a sustainable revenue stream that is adequate to cover the organization’s needs, comes from a diversity of sources, and generate reserves.
Vivid Description for long-term goal:
With the opening of The Door shelter facility in 2014, FYA has accomplished its 2015 goal of being “recognized by at-risk and vulnerable youth, and respected by the community, as a safe place to get help.” The next step in building a thriving FYA is developing a much more sustainable and resilient revenue stream over the course of the next three to five years.
Meeting the long-term goal will be an outcome of a comprehensive Business Plan for Sustainability, as well as engaging in strategic board development, ensuring excellence in programs and cementing beneficial community and organizational partnerships.
Mid-Term Goal (2016)
[Something really cool has happened with the door or a new program – Possibly something like a developed outreach program to youth, or some sort of vocational connection resource?]
Short-Term Goals (FY 2014)
Priority 1:
Incorporate Personnel Policies that fully support FYA employees.
Geared to the workforce that is attracted to the job, and the high stress/high turnover
Includes incentives for wellness and ensuring adequate self-care
Board to integrate an annual, written, formal evaluation for Executive Director, including goals to be pursued, against which ED is judged in the next year’s evaluation
Priority 2:
Finalize a Funding Model that fully sustains the Host Parent position.
After initially supporting the program for six months with existing reserves, the goal will be to have a self-sustaining funding model based on church donations
Priority 3:
Formalize a plan and develop a process for family reunification and mediation using interns and counseling resources.
Priority 4:
A full complement of nine members is seated on the FYA board.
Based on a Board Recruitment Matrix completed by the board, coupled with its standard vetting process, bring the size of the board to nine from the current 7