September 25, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda (DRAFT)
5:30pm @ Keystone
1. Roll call
2. Opening Prayer (Jim)
3. Meeting Agenda (approve)
4. Meeting Minutes (approve)
a. August 2023
5. Board Housekeeping
a. Thank you notes & signatures (if needed)
b. Board member recruitment update
6. Financial Reports (see attached)
7. ED Report
a. Keystone update (Brian)
b. Staff Update.
8. Unfinished Business
a. Continue facilities planning
b. CDBG – Close out with City of Fairbanks
c. OCS Billing Update
9. New Business
a. (Discussion) Update on financial planning
10. Committee(s)
a. Keystone Building Project
11. Next Meeting(s) or Events. Board member absences.
a. Next Board Meeting October 30, 2023. @ 5:30pm. (Key Stone)
12. Adjourn