August 28, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes (Approved)
- Meeting called to order at 5:50 pm. Board members in attendance: Jim Williams, Leland Rich, Kendi Adams. A quorum was present. Also present: Brian Taylor, ED.
- Opening Prayer (Jim)
- Approve Meeting Agenda MSP Leland, Kendi.
- Meeting Minutes
- May 2023 minutes. Approved with no objection
- Board Housekeeping
- Thank you notes, signatures – donor thank you cards signed.
- Board member recruitment. Brian has Brenda McFarland in mind and Sam Trotzke, but he may be a conflict of interest because he’s an accountant that we use. If he really wants to do it, have him fill out an application. Kendi has reached out to Billy Smith and Lisa Baranoski, and will follow up. Scott, Kendi’s husband, said he’d do it if we can’t get anyone else. Kendi and Jim mentioned moving off the board: Kendi in October and Jim next year. Roy should prioritize a campaign to find quality candidates for board members.
- Financial Report
- See agenda for reports.
- Jim recommended changing a moving around money procedure ($40K from one account to another)
- Sam wants to change how grants are received: as income rather than deducting it from a total. That should give a more accurate reading of our financial standing. Jim likes how it’s being documented now because it shows a big picture.
- Averaging ~$62K monthly in expenses and bringing in ~$20K in donations. About 2 months operating cash-on-hand. This is not sustainable.
- We have figured out what we need to run the organization. Now we know what we need, and things need to tweak things.
- ED Report. See ED report in agenda.
- Roy starts Sept 5th. We’ll start paying him in Sept.
- Jocelyn was terminated. RJG is on board. All bills are now caught up, and we’re working toward a regular monthly spending budget. Jonelle is the new bookkeeper with RJG; Sam is helping to develop her.
- Claudia has stopped doing the shopping, and she was upset at Jocelyn leaving. The staff has started doing the shopping instead.
- $25K donation from Kay Hinkley. Brian has been sending out the thank-you cards.
- Krystel did put out a newsletter.
- AKUSA doesn’t have read-only options. Sam is using Brian’s login info to check things.
- Open the McKinley Account already!!! Jim is crafting a resolution and filling in the bank with either McKinley or Denali SB. So that we can work toward gradually weening off Global. Opening 2 checking accounts and 2 savings accounts (Brian suggests).
- We need another person on the accounts. Leland or Krystel? Jim will follow up for Leland.
- OCS: see notes
- Does Guay know that this happened? Brian thinks that Kim Guay did this to sabotage us.
- Kendi recommends reaching out to Clinton Lasley, deputy commissioner of OCS In Anchorage, call 907-269-4000, In Juneau, call 907-465-1650
- Jim is wondering if we should reach out to the governor’s office.
- If there is a grant that has been set up to pay us, it shouldn’t take more than 90 days. Wait and see until then….
- Brian wants to ask Tricia who changed our OCS record.
- Alnise: Greg Workman: local PO has more cases than he can handle. He says Alnise made another payment, but it’s not in court view. Says she’s been giving him receipts for payments, but they aren’t real, and he hasn’t been checking to see if they’re valid receipts. He’s not going to follow-up.
- Jim follow-up with FPD because she’s committing another crime. Brian needs to get copies of the receipts she’s filed. Tell Greg either give them to me (Brian) or I’ll file a records request.
- Civil claim to get PFD?
- Keystone update (Brian) : Keystone is the good news! Anna’s in good shape financially, and they’re looking at bringing in another p/t counselor. Anna is happy b/c her worldview aligns with the KCC POV. Thinking ahead: what is an appropriate reward for Anna? Brian says he’s been rewarding her all along with flexibility.
- Staff Update Brian made a proposal to right the financial ship. See ED report.
- Jim and Kendi agree to all of the proposals except the pay cut for Brian.
- Should we be looking at benefitted employees for Anna, Aleya, and Brian. Somewhere down the road….
- Heavily recruit from the military population…
- Unfinished Business
- a. Continue facilities planning on pause, but a good idea
- b. CDBG – Close out with City of Fairbanks – Jim can’t get them to respond, Jim is gonna follow up with Mayor Pruhs
- c. Golf Tournament Update – updated to a Curling Spiel – get on the calendar now! Require at least one experienced curler per team
- Kendi recommends before December or after January.
- Jim is aiming for mid-November and includes the kitchen and ice reserved.
- d. OCS Billing Update (see above)
- New Business
- a. (Discussion) Transition to external accounting services (already approved)
- b. (Discussion/Action) Change from AK USA (Global CU) to another bank. Jim made the resolution.
- c. (Discussion/Action) Check signers
- d. (Discussion/Action) BT recommended budget changes (see above)
- Committee Report
- Keystone Building Project Update.
- Next Meeting(s) or Events
- Next Board Meeting: Sept 25, 2023. 5:30pm. Location: Keystone
- Adjourned at 7:30 pm.