June 29, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda
5:30pm. Keystone Counseling Center Lobby
1. Roll call
2. Opening Prayer (Jim)
3. Meeting Agenda (approve)
4. Meeting Minutes (approve)
a. June 29, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes
5. Board Housekeeping
a. Thank you notes & signatures (if needed)
b. Board member recruitment (discussion)
6. Financial Reports (see attached)
7. ED Report
a. AW Incident Update (Jim & Brian)
b. Keystone update (Brian)
8. Unfinished Business
a. 2021 990 Tax Return
b. Continue facilities planning
c. CDBG – Close out with City of Fairbanks
9. New Business
a. Accept Ti Ames resignation (action)
b. Accept Dave Miller resignation (action)
c. Discuss strategic planning with Foraker
d. Executive Session (ED performance evaluation discussion, salary review)
10. Committee’s
a. Executive (Jim)
b. Engagement & Outreach (Kendi)
c. Compliance (vacant)
11. Next Meeting(s) or Events
a. Next Board Meeting Sept. 28 @ 5:30pm. (Key Stone)
b. Jim out of town Sept. 16-23
12. Adjourn