June 29, 2022 Regular Board Meeting (DRAFT Agenda)
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Meeting ID: 885 5317 4466
Passcode: 563396
1. Roll call
2. Opening Prayer (Jim)
3. Meeting Agenda (approve)
4. Meeting Minutes (approve)
a. May 25, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes
5. Board Housekeeping
a. Thank you notes & signatures (if needed)
6. Financial Reports (see attached)
7. ED Report
a. AW Incident Update (Jim & Brian)
b. Keystone update (Brian)
8. Unfinished Business
a. 2021 990 Tax Return
b. Volunteer appreciation/bbq – summer 2022??
c. Continue facilities planning
d. CDBG – Close out with City of Fairbanks
9. New Business
a. Discuss Bettisworth-North memo
10. Committee’s
a. Executive (Jim)
b. Engagement & Outreach (Kendi)
c. Compliance (vacant)
11. Next Meeting(s) or Events
a. Next Board Meeting Aug 17th or 24th @ 5:30pm. (Red House)
b. Jim out of town August 9-12
12. Adjourn