May 25, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
- Meeting called to order at 5:32 pm.. Board members in attendance: Jim Williams, Leland Rich, Ti Ames, Kendi Adams. A quorum was present. Also present: Brian Taylor, ED.
- Opening Prayer (Jim)
- Meeting Agenda MSP Jim, Leland.
- Meeting Minutes
- March 23, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes MSP Ti, Leland. Approved as presented.
- April 20, 2022 Regular Board Meeting (Canceled) MSP Leland, Ti. Approved as presented.
- Board Housekeeping
- Thank you notes, signatures – none.
- Financial Reports
- See attached.
- $200K PPP has been received. Donations on track, some budgeting considerations for maintenance.
- New water heater needed in offices, boiler in Brown House will need to be replaced.
- Payroll expenses lower than anticipated due to reduced staffing levels.
- Wilson & Wilson: sent an invoice, $10k is owed.
- ED Report
- AW Incident Report (Jim and Brian) AW has entered guilty plea, awaiting sentencing. Looking toward recouping losses if at all possible.
- Tracking in-kind donations: over $15k for this year.
- Keystone update (Brian) Jaime has separated from Keystone as of 05/25/22. Clients are being transferred to other service providers.
- FYA has joined Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce.
- On target to serve 120 youth through The Door this year.
- Biennial state report is complete.
- Discussion regarding safety considerations related to vacant properties belonging to FYA, look to rework the fencing around the lots closest to The Door, remove nuisances or mitigate in order to clean up lot.
- Unfinished Business
- 2021 990 Tax return – extension will be filed
- Volunteer appreciation BBQ (July)
- Continue facilities planning: Leland met with PM from Bettisworth to review campus plan.
- Obtain quote for demo on Brown Building (Leland); obtain quote on fencing (Leland)
- Begin long range planning (ten year plan)
- CDBG close out with City of Fairbanks – borough attorney has it, and should be introducing ordinance.
- New Business
- (Leland) motion to allocate $20K for IT/computer equipment, Kendi second. Motion unanimously approved.
- Committee Report
- Executive (Jim) nothing to report.
- Engagement & Outreach (Kendi) nothing to report.
- Compliance (vacant)
- Next Meeting(s) or Events
- Next Board Meeting June 29, 2022 @ 5:30pm. Location: Red House
- July BBQ (discuss at June meeting)
- Jim out of town 06/21 – 06/24/22
- Ti out of state 05/27 – 06/06/22
- Adjourned at 7:04 pm.