1. Meeting called to order at 5:32 pm. Board members present: Jim Williams, Kendi Adams, Leland Rich, Ti Ames. A quorum was present.
Excused: Dave Miller. Also present was ED Brian Taylor.
2. Opening Prayer (Jim)
3. Meeting Agenda. MSP Leland, Ti. Approved unanimously, no amendments.
4. February Meeting Minutes – MSP Leland/Ti. February 23rd Minutes approved unanimously as presented.
5. Board Housekeeping – discussion about Biennial report coming due in May to the Alaska Department of Commerce. Also need to update Notice of Change of Officials, since Ti was recently installed as an FYA officer. Brian took these two issues as action items and will let us know when the documents are ready for signature.
6. Financial Reports (see reports attached to agenda). Discussion – reports are looking good and making sense. BHAP grant, ESG grant: 68k. Donations less than what was hoped for February (10k). Expenses looking stable, cash reserves solid. Discussion on proposal for investments, Leland to follow up.
7. ED Report – written report. Brian updated the board on recruiting challenges and how staff are working together to ensure the mission is accomplished. Counseling services have diminished significantly and will continue at this lower level in subsequent months; Jaime is definitely PT at this point. We’re seeing good numbers of referrals. Looking to hire FT counselor ASAP, considering UAF/graduate students. Considering bringing in new counselor on salary, transitioning to commission; could provide housing as a benefit. Biggest hurdle is finding a candidate. YTD, donation numbers are strong even with lower February. Rodney has joined as PT temporary (10-12 hours/week) launching KCC. Leland shared that FHP gave $2500 recently, will reach out to offer thanks. Shared Alyeska video with the Board: a shorter version has been produced for television distribution, as well. Last AW hearing- Brian listened in, extension granted until April. No update at this time. AHFC audit coming up end of March, preparing for it now.
8. Unfinished Business:
a. 990, Board needs to review;
b. CDBG/transfer, Jim to follow up with Margherita Bell
9. New Business:
a. Thank you BBQ, staff and donors, open house; sensitive to youth/staff. Need to set a date: May (?)
b. Site Plan: Design Alaska, capital plan, in regards to new counseling center. May be grants available for this project. Capital needs assessment. Longer term donation history information may be useful. Leland and Brian will follow up, begin with Design Alaska/Bettisworth.
10. Committee updates
a. Executive (Jim) nothing to report
b. Engagement & Outreach (Kendi) nothing to report
c. Compliance (vacant)
11. Next Board meeting April 20, 2022 @ 5:30pm, Red House. No board meeting in July.
12. Jim out of town April 26 – 28.
13. Meeting adjourned at 6:46 pm