1. Meeting called to order at 5:37pm via Zoom. Board members present: Jim Williams, Kendi Adams, Leland Rich. A quorum was present. Excused: Dave Miller and Ti Ames. Also present was ED Brian Taylor.
2. Opening Prayer (Jim)
3. Meeting Agenda. MSP Leland, Jim. Approved unanimously, no amendments.
4. Meeting Minutes – MSP Leland/Kendi. January 26 Minutes approved unanimously as presented.
5. Board Housekeeping – discussion about Biennial report coming due in May to the Alaska Department of Commerce. Also need to update Notice of Change of Officials, since Ti was recently installed as an FYA officer. Brian took these two issues ass action items and will let us know when the documents are ready for signature.
6. Financial Reports (see reports attached to agenda). Discussion – reports are looking good and making sense. Still do not have the budget loaded in QuickBooks – that’s a goal for March. Counseling service has grossed $15K since January 1.
7. ED Report – no written report. Brian updated the board on recruiting challenges and how staff are working together to ensure the mission is accomplished. Although short a few staff, morale is high. Brian is working on transitioning IT maintenance and management to a professional services provider. Currently, 5 youth at The Door. Jim updated the board on recent developments with the AW case.
8. Unfinished Business
a. KCC Business Plan – Brian updated the board on the latest version of the Keystone business plan. Board had Q&A with Brian. Board was generally pleased with the depth and scope of the plan as presented. The board agreed the plan would be dynamic and likely change – will keep the most recent version on the board blog. Board encouraged staff to keep moving forward with implementation, small incremental steps is fine.
9. New Business
10. Committee updates
a. Executive (Jim)
b. Engagement & Outreach (Kendi)
c. Compliance (vacant)
11. Next Board meeting March 23, 2022 @ 5:30pm, Red House.
12. Leland out of town 18-21 March. Jim out of town 15-18 March.
13. Meeting adjourned at 6:33pm.