January 26, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
- Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm. All attending via Zoom. Board members in attendance: Jim Williams, Leland Rich, Ti Ames. Kendi Adams arrived 5:47 pm. A quorum was present. Also present: Brian Taylor, ED.
- Opening Prayer (Jim)
- Meeting Agenda. MSP Leland, Ti.
- Meeting Minutes
- December 15, 2021 Special Board Meeting Minutes MSP Ti, Leland. Approved as presented.
- Board Housekeeping
- Appointment of Ti Ames as Board Secretary. MSP Jim, Leland. Congratulations, Ti.
- Thank you notes, signatures – none.
- Financial Reports
- Financial statement are looking better, still have a ways to go. Still working on our internal processes.
- Balance sheet: 530k in usable cash
- We’ve paid 60k to Wilson & Wilson, still have about 10k left to pay them.
- RJG is working on 2021 990
- On the counseling side: we did not bill any counseling fees 4th QTR 2021: 20-40k in revenue
- Drake Street property is on balance sheet, needs to removed. Action item for Leland/Brian.
- P&Ls: discussed inflows/outflows, statement is now more user friendly.
- BHAP and ESG grants: still money sitting out there for 2021 that we can apply for.
- ED Report
- See written report
- Really good 4th QTR for donations
- Been spending a lot of time with AHFC regarding A.W. fraud incident.
- Unfinished Business
- Counseling Services Line of Business Plan Presentation from Brian
- Motion to reaffirm board intent to re-launch counseling services for FYA. Board intent is to re-launch the FYA counseling service with the purpose to serve youth and families at risk. Our counseling service will be complimentary to the primary FYA mission. MSP Jim, Kendi. Passed unanimously.
- Motion to change the name of Clearwater Counseling to Keystone Counseling. MSP Jim, Kendi. Passed unanimously.
- Align branding of Keystone Counseling with FYA. MSP Leland, Kendi. Passed unanimously.
- Hire behavioral health administrative assistant: 0.75 -1.0 FTE. MSP Jim, Ti. Passed unanimously.
- Leave the business plan piece in unfinished business pending board review of business plan. Board gave direction to ED on elements of business plan that need to be addressed: marketing plan, pro forma operating plan, organizational structure.
- New Business
- (Discussion/Action) Technology Security (Leland/Brian) Discussion on our current IT support system being volunteer-based. Our needs have grown beyond this and require professional services. Examples: phone systems (VOIP), HIPAA security, on demand access to support. Our current volunteer is committed and has done a great job, but we need a higher level of support.
- Brian will reach out to the volunteer and begin process of transitioning to professional services.
- Committee Report
- Executive (Jim) nothing to report.
- Engagement & Outreach (Kendi) nothing to report.
- Compliance (vacant)
- Next Meeting(s) or Events
- Next Board Meeting February 23, 2022 @ 5:30pm. Location: Red House, Zoom as back-up.
- 2022 Board Development and Planning Retreat (Saturday, February 5th) – location Red House/Keystone Counseling
- Dave out of state til April 2022
- Ti out of state 02/12/22 – 02/27/22
- Adjourned at 7:17 pm.
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