- Roll call(5:10pm) –
- Present – David Miller, Patrick Endres, Marylee Bates, Heidi Bryan, Tami Manning(on the phone), Sarah Finnell
- Open in prayer
- Heidi opened us in prayer
- Accept minutes from January Strategic planning session
- MSP Pat/Dave to accept meeting minutes.
- Executive Session Discussion
- FYA Business Plan
- Heidi has started working on a comprehensive FYA business plan per the strategic plan and will continue to refine that while sharing it periodically with the board for comment and suggestions.Heidi will share it as a google doc so others can have input in the process.
- Signature items
- Unfinished business
- Review timeline for meeting agenda direction (please take a look at this on our board website: http://www.fairbanksyouthadvocates.org/board/annual-timeline/
- Discussed the annual timeline which gives direction to the board meeting agenda plans and helps keep us on track with major items , Patrick edited the timeline on the board website as discussed
- Marylee shared that the construction work on the interior of 132 10th was complete and requested that Wedbush funds be used to pay the bill. MSP Dave/Heidi to accept that money $3865.00 be moved from WedBush to reimburse the account for paying Vision Construction.
- Discuss/accept changes to financial policies (bring the pdf document with any suggestions)
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1apSX037F0P_oqNeVnOy_clCgGABVURJrHbQB-kl1y7g/edit#heading=h.i3shu228zkd
- MSP Pat/Dave to accept the Financial Policies
- WedBush investment decision
- MSP Dave/Pat to accept the proposal that was discussed. See Wedbush proposal linked here. All were in favor. No one opposed. The board agreed to review this investment in January 2017 and consider different options.
- Review timeline for meeting agenda direction (please take a look at this on our board website: http://www.fairbanksyouthadvocates.org/board/annual-timeline/
- ED Report:
- Property taxes: 122, top floor
- Bank account – Alaska USA – low currently due to 2 BHAP payments behind
- City Vision, House Parent: http://web.cityvisioninternships.org/home/
- Daily News Miner: Valentine Thank you to Volunteer Groups in 2016
- Christina’s last day: March 6th, Julie’s first day 2/4/17
- Review FYA Evaluations for any edits/changes
- Board Self Evaluation
- The board agreed to not do a written self evaluation but rather have an open board discussion at the March meeting
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Will be presented at the March meeting
- ED 360 Evaluation
- Marylee will review the staff questions and ask the shelter supervisor, Kelly if she is comfortable joining a board meeting for a brief discussion with the Board.
- Board Self Evaluation
- Fairbanks Counseling & Adoption/Street outreach update
- SOAP is under FCA. FCA is closing. (Runaway Homeless Youth) Federally monies, funds the SOAP program. https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/resource/sop-fact-sheet Marylee shared that she has been approached by people in the community suggesting that FYA would be the likely agency to take over this program. While the board recognizes that this is an important service to the community, we do not feel we have the resource depth to take this on at this time. The board wants to focus on our current work, and guard our ED from an excessive work load/burn out. If approached by anyone at SOAP/Washington D.C. the board is not comfortable with FYA moving forward.
- Committee Reports
- Public Information: none
- Property updates: none
- Schedule next meeting
- March 8th, 5-7pm
- Adjourn
- Meeting adjourned at 7:01pm