In attendance – David Miller, Patrick Endres, Marylee Bates, Sarah Finnell, Heidi Bryan, Jim McDermott by phone.
Absent – Tami Manning
Open in prayer – David opened us in prayer.
FYA review
Patrick clicked through the navigation menu on the Board website to familiarize everyone with the content.
Accept minutes from September 2016 meeting
MSP(Patrick, David, all ayes) moved to accept the previous meeting minutes.
Signature items
Thank you Notes were signed by board members for:
Next Step Ministries
Jared Lundgren & Blake LLC (made a solid door into a window door)
Unfinished Business
VISTA project: social enterprise feedback. Dave expressed concerns about going too quickly into something that places demands on our current staff. There was general consensus on this subject. Jim and Heidi offered to help with a Business feasibility plan when the time comes. Marylee assured the board that the extra work, at this time, is the purpose of the VISTA’s job description. The subject was tabled until our January meeting where we can discuss it more in depth.
Interim officer of Treasurer position
MSP(Patrick, Heidi, all ayes) moved to accept Jim McDermott as the interim treasurer.
ED Salary and overtime ruling
Changes to minimum salary for non profit ED, and general salary options. Marylee shared that new federal regulations are requiring that Executive Directors with exempt job status earn a minimum of $913 per week.
MSP(Patrick, Sarah, all ayes) moved to raise Marylee’s salary to $47,476 as of December 1, in order to comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act ruling.
Draft Budget review draftbudget_2017 The Board agreed that each person would print out this draft budget and bring comments or questions to the next board meeting. Set
Campus wide “tobacco free campus” Marylee asked the board if we had objections to putting up “smoke free campus” signs in the Door. All agreed that this was fine.
Should we become Employer of National Service (see description)
The Board agreed that this sounded reasonable and Patrick and Marylee will meet to add the proper language to our public website.
Set time/date for January Annual Meeting
The January meeting was set for Saturday January 7 from 9:00am til 1:00pm
Annual Open House Idea
Christina presented to Marylee the idea that some nonprofits hold an annual thank you meeting. The Board agreed that holding this event in the new Green-space during the summer, along with food and music would be a good idea. Dave suggested that he would like to operate a grill for this event.Discussion was tabled until January’s board planning retreat.
Sunshing update and Staff Appreciation
Sarah presented some ideas for the Staff Appreciation meeting. The Board agreed to have the meeting on Nov 30 at 6pm at Clearwater, following a one hour board meeting from 5-6pm.
Public Information
Property updates
The Next Board Meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, November 30, 2016. (no meeting in December)