- Roll call: Patrick Endres, Sarah Finnell, Kathy Birch, Tami Manning, Barb Tyndall (via phone), Dave Miller, Meryem Kugzruk, Chick Wallace,
Absent: Dean Gustafson, Brad Johnston
- Open in prayer by Patrick
- Accept minutes from March 2015 meeting: Patrick motioned to accept March 2015 minutes, Tami seconded. Motion carried.
- Begin executive session
- ED Self Evaluation Discussions (Marylee absent until approximately 5:15pm while we discuss her evaluation)
- Comments on Board ED Evals
- (Invite Marylee back into the meeting)
- Q/A time and feedback with Marylee
- Discuss Liz Fabians Board Application
- End executive Session
- Unfinished Business
- Update from Dave M. on property offers: we got a counter-offer from one seller. We could take our earnest money back and look at purchasing later or we could counter-offer with a value that’s between what we offered and what seller wants (see Dave’s email on the blog). Patrick motioned that we should counter-offer. Sarah seconded. Motion passed.
- Proposal/Plan for Clearwater employee expansion and subsequent potential use of the Green house for a new counseling office.
- ED Report: See Marylee’s report on the blog–make sure to look at the VISTA position idea and social media position idea and read Marylee’s report.
- 2015 updated budget: see Budget documents posted on blog and look at them. The Budget.pdf document is the numbers. The other documents are notes to help understand the budget, and projected 1st quarter % projected loss, etc. Keep in mind that some of the income shows up much later in the year (OHN in September, individual donations in November/December). Patrick would like to add an advertising/public information category.
- Growing Clearwater Counseling: Marylee has been working up numbers. There are 4-5 tables to look at online, see “Growing Clearwater Counseling” document. Dave can help explain at our next meeting. It’s hard to figure out what it would cost (aside from utilities and office manager employee, which are easy to project). 50% of a new counselor’s rate would go to us. Dave has 3 different people utilizing his offices after hours and on weekends. All 3 are non-licensed and they are already using the office (it takes 5,000 hours to get licensed, so they need an opportunity to grow…)
- Financial Report – Brad (absent- tabled)
- Marylee leaves for City Council Meeting (6:35pm)
- Begin executive session
- Discuss Board Self Evaluations: Kathy, Sarah & Tami will meet to edit this eval tool.
- Discuss FYA Staff ED Questionnaires
- End executive session
- Discuss ED directives for 2015 (based on our discussion with Marlyee, this can be generated as a draft and polished for acceptance at the May 2015 meeting. Ideally, this process should be moved to January, and we hope to do that in the future).
- Tasks/Committees – think about volunteering for any of the following tasks:
- Be on a team to review and update both the Board and ED evaluations to make them more appropriate to recent changes and most appropriate questions. (Kathy, Tami, Sarah)
- Be on a team to deal with annual operating plans. We did not create a 2015 operating plan. Our 2014 Operating plan can be viewed at http://www.fairbanksyouthadvocates.org/board/misc/2014-operating-plan/ (event to do at annual retreat- facilitated by Mike Walsh)
- Be on a team to finalize a basic outline of priorities for our ED for the remainder of 2015 which will be submitted at the May 2015 meeting. (polish up ED directives from #8) (Barb volunteered to do this after taking notes at next board meeting)
- Be on a team to organize a Calendar of events for recurring board activities to help us keep on track (a few events listed below) (Kathy, Tami, Sarah)
- Board Evals-
- ED evals-
- Annual Budget Proposal and Adoption- beginning of year!
- Annual Operating Plan / Strategic Planning Meeting
- Annual Retreat/Advance event or Meeting with Foraker?
- Volunteer appreciation event (April)
- ED Annual Objectives and Guidance
- Annual Fundraiser (September) and marketing schedule
- New board member training is a requirement by our grants. We will try to schedule board training during one hour of our May board meeting with Mike Walsh.
- Annual Board member financial contributions. Grants require that all board members are financially contributing to the organization. Evaluate what that means for you.
- Schedule Next Meeting May 27th 5-7pm
- Meeting Adjourned 7:02pm
Tabled points to discuss at later date or take care of electronically:
- Board bio update – we are out of date on website AND board blog site. Need bios from Dean and Chick. We are seeking a personal narrative which expresses why you want to serve on the FYA Board. Please see http://www.fairbanksyouthadvocates.org/about-us/board-of-directors/ for sample format and email to Patrick or Marylee to post on websites.
- Committee Reports
- Mission Review/Education (IF WE HAVE TIME)
- Tutorial on Board Website by Patrick
- Post and comment etiquette, notifications, etc.
- Website calendar of events
- Tutorial on Board Website by Patrick
- Automatic emails from website
- Contact information for Board members
Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Finnell
seems good.