Engage in community outreach by improving the website, sending out newsletters, holding community events, and through media ads.
Engage in community partnerships to move forward with Rapid ReHousing/Transitional Age Youth program in Fairbanks
Develop, grow, and work on retaining staff.
History of Directives
2020 ED Directives
Engage in community outreach to educate local families regarding healthy communication
Engage in community partnerships to move forward with Rapid ReHousing/Transitional Age Youth program in Fairbanks
2018-2019 ED Directives
Cultivate existing donor relationships and focus on expanding our donor base. Explore and expand marketing avenues whereby FYA can increase the revenue stream through different media outlets.
Support FYA staff to do the jobs they are asked to do
Explore different successful programs across the nation that help reunite families
Engage in community partnerships to move forward with Rapid ReHousing program in Fairbanks
Establish & finalize ACF accounts & establish plan for top-level donors. How do we recognize them and publicize their donation?
2017 ED Directives
Cultivate existing donor relationships and focus on expanding our donor base.
Explore and expand marketing avenues whereby FYA can increase the revenue stream through different media outlets.
Implement the “house parent” staffing model, which utilized the Brown Building as a house parent residence.
2016 ED Directives
Focus on broader community networking and being a liaison to educate the community about youth issues.