Board Meeting, May 29, 2012, Submitted by Marylee
5:00 p.m. – 7:05 p.m.
In attendance: Marylee & Rodney,
Board members: Patrick, Barb, Sarah F., Kathy, Brad, & Dave Miller. Danny was out of town.
April’s minutes were approved, in the future they will be posted independently so that they can be responded to. Board members should read them prior to meeting and at meeting – we will just agree.
Unfinished Business:
A. Board Retreat: Sarah F agreed to contact Mike Walsh to get 3 possible dates for a board – day retreat. August and or September are possible months.
B. Video Production: We discussed the value in having a promotional video, one that addressed people’s hearts by telling youth stories as well as provided the statistics. Ideally the video will help us raise awareness and help us raise funds so that we are not so grant dependent. We discussed this as being a potential sub committee. We also discussed taking a weekly photo from the exact same square of sidewalk – in order to track the progress on the house. Marylee will work on this.
Farmer’s Market report: no questions
Our Identity:
Lengthy discussion on this topic. Dave Miller and Patrick will look into the possibility of changing CMI to FYA; but if it is not possible, then we will continue to educate the media and public that we are FYA and not worry about the CMI title.
Positions and Benefits:
Barb and Kathy said they would start getting together to discuss these and work on them. Marylee will provide them with what she has so far. Regarding Missionary House parents, we agreed to provide them housing and utilities and 2 weeks leave time. Marylee will also continue to draft an ED and Director’s job description. A Flow Chart will also be provided at the next board meeting.
A. Yes, FYA needs their own EIN, Brad will provide the form,
B. Brad will work on Financial Policies
C. 2012 donations did not attach, Patrick will make that available here.
Committee and Chair Positions:
Building Committee: Dave Miller will chair,
Events Committee: Kathy and Sarah will co-chair,
Fundraising Committee: Danny and Barb will work on this together (Please see Sarah Smith – this is part of her Vista position)
Finance Committee: a possible future group,
Public Information: Patrick will chair and Vista’s will be included here as well,
Board Officers:
President: Patrick
Vice President: Danny was nominated,
Secretary: Barb (will record minutes starting in June)
Dave Miller encouraged us to all be doing board recruitment.
Rilene Ann: we accepted her application not knowing if she is still interested or not.
Brad, Patrick (MSP) to go ahead with submitting the BCP grant for a double review
with MANY, and FYA will pay for the costs.
Next meeting:
June 19th, Tuesday, 5-7pm