Executive Director

Marylee Bates

Clinical Director

David Bates

Shelter Supervisor

Kelli Boyle

Shelter Staff

  1. Macalaugh Perkins
  2. Amelia Bentele-Edwards
  3. Hannah Wing
  4. Holly Blood
  5. Jasmine Stevenson
  6. Hailey Chacon
  7. Maigen Bosch
  8. Carmella Stiebing
  9. Carla Huggins


Stephanie Cardarelli

The VISTA position description:


Business & Financial Manager

Deidre Larson

Activity 1: Joint Public Awareness and Resource Development

Step 1: Solicit donations, and assist in writing organization grants, to ensure sustainable stocking, staffing, and program development of The Door.

Step 2: Plan and execute one successful fundraising effort that simultaneously raises community awareness. (1 Homeless Night and/or Walk For Charity and/or Couch Surfing in months of May & June)

Step 3: Support agency’s fundraising and public awareness activities.

Step 4: Ensure visibility of Shelter information in youth-frequented areas, local and online, including relevant databases.

Activity 2: Volunteer Recruiting, Training, and Development

Step 1: Determine sustainable best practices for recruiting, hiring, and training volunteers.

Step 2: Facilitate recruiting, interviewing, hiring, and training and scheduling of volunteers.

Step 3: Strengthen training for volunteers including information packets, appropriate online courses and readings.

Step 4: Develop monitoring, evaluation, and mentoring/support protocol for volunteers. Strengthen volunteer supports and retention.

Activity 3: Outreach

Step 1: Coordinate informational campaign with local agencies to target homeless youth, providing information on The Door and its services along with other helpful services, support, and help-lines.

Step 2: Help develop, if needed, training/meetings/partnerships with youth-service community. Develop and grow connections to other youth-serving agencies.

Step 3: Utilize social media and website to raise awareness and support for The Door.

Step 4: Build awareness of The Door’s needs, service opportunities, and programs through community outreach to groups, civic organizations, faith community, schools, and other programs.

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