May’s ED Report
Shelter Info Stats: 21 new youth in June for a total of ~85 different overnighters since Dec. 1 and ~100 youth since Dec. 1. (not all have overnighted) 243 bed nights for June, including 8 first time overnighters. 57 total different youth in June: 35% female, 65% male, 36% Alaska Native, 7% other minority We…
This report encompasses things that happened in March and April. If my schedule could be transposed to a food, it might look like a tossed salad. My days are filled with a variety of tasks – but only a little time is spent on any one thing. As you know the Licensing Application has been…
This report encompasses activity in the months of January and February Planning and Operations / Program Development Thank you for the part time person. We hired Kris Jones to work 3 nights a week (12:00 midnight to 8:00 a.m.) Our “house guests” as we call the youth, have thanked us for hiring a “dude”. Shelter…
Brief with less details than past reports. – A sign of the times. Planning and Operations / Program Development We really need a part time person. I wrote up a budget for 1 more staff member, 24 hours a week. We utilized 22 different volunteers last month, but in the end – I am still…
Public Relations / Communications Community Wide Meetings: Arctic Alliance: 11/7 Chamber: 11/6/2012; announced Vigil at 30 sec. spotlight Fairbanks Homeless & Housing Coalition: 11/15 reg. meeting plus Youth Focus (a subcommittee of the FHHC): – I cancelled – my truck had a dead battery – I chair this & we are planning a PIT (point…
Public Relations / Communications Community Wide Meetings: Arctic Alliance: absent Chamber: 0 Fairbanks Homeless & Housing Coalition: 10/18 reg. meeting plus Two 4 hour planning sessions for the Ten Year Strategic Plan to End Homelessness, Youth Focus (a subcommittee of the FHHC) – I chair this & we are planning a PIT (point in time)…
Personal Contacts: Housing First: Shirley Lee & Darlene Christianson Carey & June Rogers: Fairbanks Arts Association Mike Walsh: Foraker group OCS – Office of Children’s Services: all top admin are aware of current progress Larry Baker -Baker Insurance – multiple meetings Am changing up the format of reporting a bit. These six items are straight…
Overall: Stretch, recover, stretch, recover. May & June Meetings: Fairbanks Chamber: 7/3/ FHHC (Fairbanks Homeless & Housing Coalition)– 6/26 Youth Focus Group: is a committee of the FHHC & I chair this. multiple meetings – getting ready for Angry, Young & Poor. Fairbanks Rescue Mission: The Vista’s and I attend weekly staff meetings at FRM…
Overall: In a nut shell? Life really is a faith walk. May & June Meetings: Arctic Alliance: 5/2/ – adjourned for summer City Council Mtg.: 5/21 Fairbanks Chamber: 5/15/ (I dropped Chamber for writing lately) FHHC (Fairbanks Homeless & Housing Coalition)– 5/24 & 6/21 Youth Focus Group: is a committee of the FHHC & I chair…
Overall: We continue to build our capacity and broaden our network in the community. With each and every board member we are stronger. Thank you to all. The burden really is heavy, but knowing we have each other, the load just got lighter. Thank you for your hearts of compassion, minds that discern, and willing souls.…
For everyone just joining us – at the end of every month I summarize that month on the blog. See the tab Misc. and drop down to “Director’s Notes”. I am accountable to the board – and this is one of the ways that I communicate what I have been up to. thanks, m
Overall: It felt like we took some giant steps forward this month in relationships with future partners. Still – no dull moments and God is good. Meetings this Month: Fairbanks Chamber We were introduced on 3/13 Arctic Alliance Arctic Alliance’s Interior Delegation meetings Fairbanks Housing and Homeless Coalition FHHC’s Youth Focus Group of which I have been asked to…
In General: There are no dull moments. God is good! Networking: * Chamber of Commerce mtgs. 2/14 & 2/21. Each time, I’ve made 1 new contact. It is good to hear the stories that impact our community – directly from the agencies themselves. * 1 Rescue Mission staff mtg. due to several cancellations and traveling, *…
IN GENERAL: I am continually surprised at the amount of little things that keep popping up that need to be dealt with. It feels like the weeks disappear all to quickly. Often the days are filled with many unrelated items. . . but all important NOW! Last week I declared Wednesday morning would be ‘reading’…