October 29, 2012 Pre Meeting Agenda

DRAFT: October 29, 2012 Pre Meeting Agenda <Red requires board vote> Roll call Prayer Accept minutes from Sept. 2012 (Pre-read Minutes + make suggestions to Barb prior to meeting) 25% Fundraising letter (Danny Bramer) Unfinished business Gas Reimbursement for Marylee (how much and how often) Merchant account and auto donations? Danny B? Art for the…

Performance Report (DRAFT)

evaluation_form – revised evaluation_form   Performance Report   Employee  Date Hired Job Title Salary Date of Review    Evaluation of Performance: (4) Superior (3) Exceeds Expectations (2) Satisfactory (1) Needs Improvement     Interaction/Function in a Team:       Punctuality and Attendance:       Organizational Ability:       Communication Skill:    …

September 17, 2012 Meeting Minutes

Roll Call: Present: Patrick J Endres, Danny Bramer, Barb Tyndall, Brad Johnston, Dave Miller, Kathryn Birch, Rilene Ann, Meryem Kugzruk, Marylee Bates, Rodney Gaskins, Absent: Sarah Finnell Opening Prayer—Danny Bramer July Minutes/August minutes—approved unanimously Marylee introduced our Vista, Sarah. We looked at the Blog she posts daily. She will be with us another year. Dick Irwin,…

August 2012 board minutes

  FAIRBANKS YOUTH ADVOCATES August 25, 2012 8:30-9:00 am   Present:  Patrick J Endres, Dave Miller, Danny Bramer , RileneAnn, Barb Tyndall, Marylee Bates, Sarah Finnell, Kathryn Birch, Meryem Kugzruk Absent:  Brad Johnston   Review Treasurer’s Report:  Suspended until Treasurer is present.   Internet Security Issues:  Patrick suggested we change our passwords for  user panel on top left; Dashboard on…

June 19, 2012, Tuesday, Board Meeting Agenda

Pre-meeting agenda Date: 6/19/2012,   5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Wilson & Wilson on Minnie Street ROLL CALL WELCOME Rilene Ann to the FYA Board MINUTES APPROVAL (Please make sure to review the minutes from the last meeting so we can approve them) UNFINISHED BUSINESS Fundraising ideas: June/July: Markets September: Sleep-Out (Thirst Youth Group -City wide youth…

May 29, Tuesday, 2012 Meeting Agenda

ROLL CALL  MINUTES APPROVAL UNFINISHED BUSINESS BOARD RETREAT: Meeting location and time – August? Labor Day weekend? VIDEO PRODUCTION: A 3- MINUTE PRESENTATION FOR CHURCHES??? OR OTHER? FARMERS MARKET We practiced at the FRM on 4/24 and will also participate in their Recycleganza on 6/2 in order to practice setting up, cooking and taking down…

Logo Contest

I gathered the submissions for the FYA logo contest from Facebook and am posting them here for an environment for us to discuss. At this point, we don’t have to choose one, but we should at least make a decision as to whether we want to or not. So, share your thoughts. Either a vote,…

Agenda 4-27-2012

Additions: Logo contest? New Board Members Joining us: Welcome, welcome!!! Thanks for joining our efforts. Dave Miller Danny Bramer Kathryn Birch Changes in language of CDBG Board website protocol: We have some new board members joining us, and it seems that most everyone is navigating the board website o.k., but Patrick will take a few…