Overall: We continue to build our capacity and broaden our network in the community. With each and every board member we are stronger. Thank you to all. The burden really is heavy, but knowing we have each other, the load just got lighter. Thank you for your hearts of compassion, minds that discern, and willing souls.
April Meetings:
Fairbanks Chamber
Arctic Alliance
City Council 4/9/2012
FHHC – and the Youth Focus Group: an excellent meeting – many creative ideas about how to better count homeless youth population.
Fairbanks Rescue Mission: Sarah and I attend weekly staff meetings on Thursdays.
Family to Family
Contacts: Personal meetings with key people & agencies
1) Bernard Gatewood, Fairbanks Youth Facility Director + Walter Evans, Probation Officer. Rodney introduced me to these guys. Bernard suggested we provide workshops that give parents tools to deal with teens. Maybe a Love and Limits class.
2) Alaska Alpha Delta Kappa – Barb, Sarah and I went to receive a $1000.00 check from them, but I also spoke a few words at their luncheon at the West Mark.
3) Borough Vista Leader, Cara Moulton and Chris Storhock, Economic Development Specialist for the FNSB, asked me to come to the borough offices; they had a second Vista AmeriCorps member who was needing a new location for the last 3 months of her service. I already knew the young woman and so did Sarah. We are both very excited for her to join us. She comes from Love INC. She is bubbly and will be very helpful this summer during our presence at the markets.
4) Patrick Smith, City Project Manager – Patrick Endres and I met with Pat Smith, and Dave Miller and I also met with Patrick regarding the house project.
1) Attended free OSHA training with one of their safety consultants. This was sponsored by the Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce.
2) Attended a free workshop called Effects of Domestic Violence on children.
3) Vista Supervisor Training
Donations & Fundraising
Aside from receiving the $1000. from Alpha Delta Kappa, all the other donations were from Board members totaling $620.00
We have been waiting for the Basic Center Grant Announcement but it has been delayed. In the mean time we wrote a small project application to the Mental Health Trust Fund. It is due June 1, but we are prepared to turn it in now. It is for payment of family mediation services. $10,000.
Furniture was getting leaked on as snow melted in the storage behind Joel’s Place. Bought tarps and covered as best we could. We need to consider other options as more donations come in.
Other Topics:
Dolly Caswell: Organizing this was a good experience on many levels – of which I will NOT go into. The results of her sharing at so many different venues was that we got a wide collection of names of folks who said they were interested in FYA and getting our newsletter. This took a lot of our time, pre Dolly – present Dolly and there is some post follow up, thank you letters, etc.
ByLaws: Several meetings and one whole day – as you know in rewriting these – though time well spent.
Brochure: Lots of time with this – but Patrick was really instrumental and put in many, many hours I am sure.
Mail Chimp: Patrick introduced Sarah and I to this tool. It is a way to manage list serves and get out newsletters, etc. Subscribers (our friends) can participate or un-subscribe.
My Schedule: Mondays and Fridays, I try to work from home where I am able to get a lot more done. I enjoy working for hours without interruption. Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays are networking days and lots of driving around with small bits of time in the office throughout the days. Networking is important – but also pulls me in lots of different directions. Being an office of 2 is hard. My pile to file grows! Paperwork is not my strength. My hours can be seen in Google docs under volunteer hours.
you are a diligent organized woman. thank you for all you are doing for us and the kids.