We have been approached by Joel’s Place AmeriCorps (JPSOS) and asked if we would like a media crew for two weeks this summer. They will provide the oversight and supervision. We provide the project and financial support of $50.00 a day – for a total of $500.00.
This is the first year they have offered this – and it might be awash if no one applies for the crew – but making the assumption that the crew will be filled – the question is do we want to fill out the application?
It could be a PSA about The Door – about FYA, or ???
My Thoughts:
1) What’s the timing on this? How soon do we need to decide?
2) I like Danny’s idea of a DVD for church groups. I used to visit churches for the Outreach Program and it was very time consuming and didn’t necessarily yield much in the way of fundraising, but was a really powerful awareness-raising practice. Giving something for groups to keep and show could be really beneficial (I’m thinking something along the lines of the video they show at the United Way campaign meetings).
3)Two weeks is not a long time to put something together and I worry about the quality for the cost- seems like that is something we could get for free- what about it being a project for that 2nd VISTA we’re getting? What about the University film department?
4) Then again, if the crew is a group of at-risk teens who are getting paid for it, it could turn out to be really authentic and powerful (like the play was when teens were involved)…but it would need to be highly organized and well-led.
1) I suggested to Evelyn that she explore other agencies as well – just in case we said no to the crew – she would have backup.
2) I like the church DVD idea as well. . . but I am not sure we are far enough along in our services and program design to make the most of this particular idea – this summer. ??
3) The 2nd Vista’s projects (VAD) is lined out pretty much. Certainly – if this is her gifting . . . we can line her up with the crew to help anyway that they need her. The U film department – might be an option – of course – we can also use them next time around.
4) They are definitely (without knowing who they will be) a group of at-risk teens, getting a stipend – as well as college scholarship $$.
I think a visual presentation that can be made available on our website, and/or distributed as a dvd is imperative. While we may not be far along enough in the actual process of the door/shelter in a pragmatic way, we do have the message of need, which can be communicated.
I believe it could be compelling. I have some production ideas on how to go forward with this, but even a 5 minute presentation is a lot of work. I’m not volunteering to the be the producer on this project, but perhaps we can all brainstorm on resources, people we know that might be willing to donate some time or expertise in this matter. Today’s technology is such that you could shoot the whole thing on an iphone and mix it with Imovie, so it is not too far out there for us to apprehend.
My first thoughts would be some short interviews with the ED, along with other key people with agencies or organizations in the community who can speak to the issue of at-risk youth in our community. Like the school district, SOAP, etc., Maybe Sarah F. know someone who has experienced homelessness that would be willing to offer a brief interview? Maybe include a short video clip of Dolly’s presentation on human trafficking? It need not be lengthy, perhaps 5-10 minutes. It would contain the basic facts and figures about the Fairbanks community. This could at least be stage one. When the shelter is complete, we can do another one.
What we need to decide is a timeline, and how much is this worth in $$, and/or, what is available to us from willing donors who have experience.
maybe, opening with the interview of a homeless youth, a clip of Dolly’s presentation, then, who we are, and our progress; a continuing saga. This will be too late for the meeting at the end of the month, right?! kb
oops: delete “owe”..
what type of project could we offer for the crew to video? Even a PSA on the on going construction of the Door would be beneficial. But, I agree, owe need more details/parameters
Everyone has made very good points. Personally, I would like to have something in the form of a short PSA for use on TV, but would also like to have something a little more substantial we could put in DVD form and deliver to local Churches to get the word out about the door and also to use for fundraising efforts with local businesses. The DVD could explain our beginnings, the mission and the task ahead as well as progress made, testimonies, etc. If it is done well, this could be a valuable tool to get our story out to a targeted audience that could be a source of donations, workers and volunteers. This, of course, will all depend on the quality of the work they can provide. But, with the AV technology out there today, it’s amazing what they can do with very little training!
Lots of great ideas Danny. . . but no testimonies YET. . . but a year from now????!!!!!!!
I think timing might not be an issue. For example – lets say that we decide to ask them to do a PSA for TV – that helps us get the word out about The Door; we can hold onto that PSA until The Door is operational. At that time, we can provide the PSA to the TV stations and they will play it accordingly.
I think the concept is a good one. One could argue that timing might be better served if the shelter was in a potentially more completed state by that time, but any public service announcement or promotional endeavor would be helpful, providing it is well done. A story line would take a little time and oversight, as producing something like this involves a lot more than just the technical expertise of a video crew. However, we are in the age of YouTube, where quality seems to matter less than the punch of intent or gritty reality. Is the time frame negotiable at all? And as mentioned, some means to measure the “quality” aspect would be helpful.
Hello All,
I agree that knowing the quality of the work product is the only way to make an informed decision about this. $500.00 is no bargain if we get something unusable………..we probably need to know what we want from them and the ability to define it……….and use their response as a measure of their ability to produce something that will benefit FYA. If we don’t have time to do all that then I would choose to pass.
There is an unknown component to this offer. They have yet to hire the team leaders as well as the young people for the crew. It is hard to know of the quality of work that we would get for $500. on the other hand – we could end up with a $2000.00 + bill if we hired professionals.