After the Arctic Alliance meeting yesterday, the new JPSOS AmeriCorps director talked to me about how things are changing for the state wide AmeriCorps programs. It was a good conversation and just confirmed something that had occurred to me a few months back: the AmeriCorps members are no longer a viable option for us because:
1) The state is going to make every program re-compete ever year for $$. The RFP will come out in April and due a few months later – announcements in Sept. Sept is tooooo late for us to advertise for positions, and too late to count on for running a program.
2) The state is only picking 3 programs per year (there are currently 5) and the strongest programs win obviously. I do not think JP is in a position to win. But even if they did – by the time we knew that they had been awarded – it would be to late for us to find $$ alternatives. But it would also be for 1 year. We cannot run a successful program 1 year at a time.
Unless the state’s tactic changes – I am going to assume there is not going to be AmeriCorps members to staff the shelter – I will look into Rural Cap – and see if they are interested in providing us members. They have competed nationally for years. The other alternative is looking at Internships with Universities – and providing placements a stipend and living allowance.
This is a significant change in staffing the door. I will keep you abreast of what I learn.