- Meeting called to order at 5:08 pm. Convened via Zoom video conference. Attendees: Jim Williams, Dave Miller, Joyce Weis, Kendi Adams, Paul Alanson, and Timothy Ledna. Absent: Kendi Adams for partial meeting, Alnise Wyles due to illness. A quorum was present.
- Dave Miller opened in prayer.
- October 21, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes were accepted. (MSP Paul, Timothy)
- Signature items- Jim has signed off on Time Sheets and Thank You notes at his inbox at Clearwater.
- Board Positions
- Discussed recognition at December employee party for board members. The board had a consensus that this was a favorable approach.
- Potential board members (spellings)
- Stephanie Rosell- declined the offer due to her schedule.
- Bernard Gatewood- also declined.
- Brad Lawood – Jim will follow up with him about filling out an application.
- Alnise had information about a woman who was interested, and the board will look further into this and pursue if favorable.
- Financial report- Alnise was unable to attend. Jim went over financials with Alnise prior to the meeting and has looked into the bookkeeping. It appears reconciliation is not up-to-date. In order to further pursue this, the role of Treasurer was discussed.
- Timothy Ledna to be the new treasurer (MSP, Jim, Paul), passed unanimously
- Timothy will meet with Jim to look further into this.
- ED Report- Questions to take back to Alnise from the board were discussed regarding Finances, Drake Street/YHDP.
- Unfinished Business
- Planning Meeting for Core Values, Strategic Plan, and Business Plan (tabled due to COVID)
- 2021 Budget (amendment presented by Alnise) – Due to illness, Alnise was unable to attend, so we will discuss this briefly at our December meeting to be approved before the fiscal year.
- Staff Appreciation – Alnise completed a survey with the staff, which we will discuss via email. Typically, we have the appreciation at their staff meetings on Thursday nights. The board is proposing the evening of the 17th of December and will confirm if this is a good date and what food to bring or purchase.
- New Business
- January Board Retreat – Agenda Item Brainstorming
- We are looking at scheduling this on the 23rd of January
- Potential items to discuss: Finances, Drake Street, Clearwater, Goals, ED Directives, Core Values and Mission Statement. Jim to craft an agenda. These are posted on the board blog at: https://www.fairbanksyouthadvocates.org/board/operations/annual-meeting/
- ED contract evaluation – This was moved to the end of the meeting by a vote at the beginning of the meeting. There were no objections to re-ordering the agenda.
- Committee Reports
- Fundraising Committee (Timothy)- Timothy to explore fundraising opportunities to include OHN, etc.
- Virtual Paint Night update – $504 raised, no expenses incurred, was an opportunity for good publicity
- Sunshine Committee (Kendi)- will contact Alnise to help arrange the end of the year party and a way to make the staff feel appreciated.
- Building committee- (Dave)- No new updates. There will be a future work party on the red house in future dates.
- Fundraising Committee (Timothy)- Timothy to explore fundraising opportunities to include OHN, etc.
- Next Meeting(s):
Staff Appreciation / Recognition: December 17th proposed with a short board meeting prior
Board Retreat: January 9th, 2021 2-6pm, Red House – reschedule to January 23rd
Board Meeting: January 27th @ 5:30pm (Zoom and/or Red House) - ED Contract Evaluation (Executive Session) The board reviewed Alnise’s contract and job description, sent by Jim.
- Additions to job description were discussed, including the Drake Street House. The board would like to reach out to former ED for direction.
- The board is in favor of crafting a more formal evaluation of the ED to meet the standards of the field. Timothy and Jim will look into this.
- The item of 4 weeks leave was discussed and a motion was made to increase the weeks of leave to 5 weeks (MSP Timothy, Paul). An amendment was made to approve this dependent on Alnise’s acceptance (MSP Joyce, Timothy). This passed unanimously.
- An increase in compensation for cost of living was discussed by Paul. Timothy suggested looking to increasing cost of living for all of the employees, dependent on finances. The board will look into the approved pay scale document before moving forward with final compensation package and contract, to be determined at the December meeting.
- Meeting adjourned by unanimous vote at 6:26 pm. (MSP Paul, Joyce)
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Weis
FYA Board Secretary