- Roll call- Present: Marylee Bates, Alnise Wyles, Jim Williams, Sarah Finnell, Paul Alanson, Dave Miller, Joyce Weis
- Open: 2:30 pm
- Old business:
- Required physicals for youth. Marylee to connect with Covenant House to see how they handle this, and to check into Public Health to see if a partnership can be fostered for this. Also to verify how extensive these need to be and the interpretation of the ordinance. Perhaps this will be a part of interviews after youth have stayed at the shelter.
- Review core values and purpose: In 2009, facilitating life transitions for at-risk youth. In 2019, conversation about sheltering youth.
- Current core values: unconditional love, hope, restoration, compassion, faith
- Core purpose: currently “Facilitating life transitions for at-risk and vulnerable youth
- Planning meeting in the future for this
- Budget 2020
- Budget Update:
- Difficulties with bookkeeping- Marylee to contact Richard, Johnson & Grandberry, Wilson & Wilson
- Will need to review and approve the budget 2020
- FYA Checking $111,513.72, FYA Savings $94,948.27
- Clearwater Savings $25,011.33 Checking $43,720.45
- Denali State Bank $8647.04
- Funds to purchase property on Drake Street $108,000. Property has not yet been purchased with these funds.
- $260,000 rest of large donation
- $27,696 with $1000 spendable
- $2,378 with $73 spendable
- ESG signed in December
- AK Housing Finance Corporation BHAP – notified the end of August/September they were going to reorganize funds and give us 80% of original grant, did not receive until November
- Budget Update:
- State budget for 2020- Governor in proposal has not taken away from funds
- Dave’s Salary Adjustment
- $153,000 insurance revenue, cash revenue $8,000 = $161,907. Subtracted what Jamie $61,000 then $100,000 is left. Dave paid $52,000. Divide by 2, salary adjustment $24,570 – Correct calculation?
- From July 18, 2019: “Dave’s income for the year was significantly more than prior years from January 1, 2019 through May 30, 2019: $19,000 over his salary for the first 5 months. FYA will calculate Dave’s income in excess of his salary for every 6-month period, and pay Dave 50% of those earnings (MSP Sarah; Patrick)”
- Contract hasn’t been changed since 2016, needs reviewed
- The board has decided this should be a bookkeeper decision and needs to be written in a policy.
- Dave’s Pastoral Role- board reviewed letter from Wilson & Wilson and definitions
- We will act on the letter from Wilson & Wilson. Marylee to review budget and research how to implement this change with Wilson & Wilson. (MSP Dave, Paul)
- Officers: Vacant Board President
- Joyce Weis to fill Board President role for now (MSP Sarah and Dave)
- Thank you calls to donors
- Review Annual Schedule
- Set short term goals for 2020:
- Review of short-term goals for 2019:
- Priority 1: Completed successful fundraising event April 2019
- Priorty 2: Transitional Housing property purchased.
- Priority 3: Marylee and Anise have been working on this
- Priority 4: Reviewing Life Transitions versus shelter
- Priority 5: Added Jim Williams to the board.
- Review of short-term goals for 2019:
- Long term strategic plan: make our organization a desirable place to work.
- Establish ED Directives for 2020
- Marylee to Alnise transition by June.
- Review 2019 directives. Keep 1 and 2 are implied, 3 modified to more education opportunities, keep 4 for 2020.
- Drake Street:
- $24,000 check from insurance company due to unrealized rent
- Will be done by mid March
- Timeline for getting youth housed- YHDP community meetings are underway right how. HUD would like decisions finalized and programs operating by September.
- If our community does not have the YHDP, we will still go ahead with a transitional housing.
- CES – Process for entry into the housing. Alnise and Makayla are trained in this position.
- Team will be coming in March to visit.
- Dreaming (YHDP…combo office! transitional housing? staff housing? family meeting space! ….behind The Door on a current foundation. Brainstorming session for the needs of an additional building.
- Expanding Clearwater Counseling as a revenue stream
- Review hard copy of strategic Plan document, update as necessary
- Updated throughout the conversation. See: http://www.fairbanksyouthadvocates.org/board/operations/annual-meeting/
- Revisit staff salary schedule, how are we truly compensating our staff and competing with other agencies as an employer in Fairbanks
- New Vista coming by March
- Survey from staff about benefits:
- Increase in health benefit to $200
- 40% said they wanted this more than anything
- Increase in pay
- 80% requested this more than anything
- Increase in FAT paydays
- 60% staff said they wanted this
- Increase in health benefit to $200
- Staff retention: make our workplace a great place to be long term
- We will increase FAT days from 2 to 3 days every 500 hours. We will also add a $1 to an hourly wage for a 4 year degree or more or fifty cents for an associates degree. Increase the$200 health benefit to $250. (MSP: Sarah, Dave; approved unanimously)
- Marylee and Alnise will draft a salary proposal for 2020 in a month for review at the next board meeting.
- Have good food
- Unfinished Business for Next Meeting:
- Review Core Values and have a planning meeting for this
- Revisit Strategic Plan, Business Plan
- Staff salary increase proposal from Marylee & Alnise
- Dave’s pay adjustment from Marylee
- Developing the property
- Review and approve budget
- Treasurer position
- Adjorn: 6:12pm
Respectfully submitted Joyce Weis, Board President
“Funds to purchase property on Drake Street $108,000. Property has not yet been purchased with these funds.”
Correction needed: this should have read:
Funds to purchase property on Eighth Street $108,000. Property has not yet been purchased with these funds.
Makayla= Macalaugh is the correct spelling
Thank you for the corrections.
Increase in health benefit to $200
just noticed, this should read
Increase health benefit up from $200