Patrick proposes that we as a board have a verbal evaluation with Marylee and the president will follow up with a summary letter to include in the ED file.
The search for an ED replacement
Potential interest from Rodney Gaskins
ED salary and raise:
Carhartts and Pearls After Action Review
Good stuff
Good MC
Good Venue (noisy kitchen though)
Little talk by Marylee and video was great
We could do better
More general information about FYA (for those who might not know us)
Invite participation (board, volunteer, other)
Possible slide showing with FYA info playing while people enter and mingle
Meal service
Point Person
Faster Intake
Ed Report
Wilson and Wilson has agreed to pro bono the 990 for 2018
BHAP update
Event follow up
Employee retention plan
Employee updates
OHN Discussion
Committee Reports as necessary
Update on new property renters and property managers.
Public Information
Next meeting: June has been our month off, should we continue with that, or do we need a meeting? If so, perhaps June 20?