Meeting Minutes from 9/19/2017
- Roll call: Dave Miller, Tami Manning, Patrick Endres, Sarah Finnell (via phone) & Marylee. All present
- Open in prayer
- Mission Review
- ED directives were reviewed with an explanation for #2, Expand/Explore Marketing Avenues whereby FYA can increase the revenue stream through different media outlets.
- Aug 2017 meeting minutes were accepted (MSP Tami/Dave)
- Signature items
- None
- 5:15: Conference Call
- Ann Ringstad, Alaska Community Foundation called in about 5:15 pm and provided us with a summary of account options.
- Agency Non-endowed Fund: Minimum of $5000, can access $$ at any time, no restrictions other than limitations set by the board, a fee of 1.25%, average earnings of 4.5% after fees are taken out.
- Agency Endowed Fund: Minimum of $25,000, never have access to the principal, 1x a year a spending/earned calculation is made – an agency can withdraw that or roll it into principal. Fund management fees are .75% up to a million, .65% after a million.
- General info: ACF has been around 22 years, manage 82 million and given out 3-5 million in grant awards. They have 400 funds, 125 of which are nonprofit funds. Donors give both statewide and locally. ACF has a toolkit to help agencies talk to potential donors about options.
- Board Follow Up to Call Discussion:
- Why do this?: Protect principle, be known statewide, better financial return, increase the net – appeal to a broader community –
- Ask Krista if there is any reason to keep a Wedbush account.
- We take out 4 accounts: 1 endowed, and 3 non-endowed funds titled:
- Yochem Fund
- Fran Clar Fund
- Operations Fund
- Endowed Fund
- Board resolution: MSP Patrick/Dave, all in favor. When both WEDBUSH CD’s mature, that we do not renew them as a CD, but rather we keep them in cash so they are available to move into ACF Funds.
- Ann Ringstad, Alaska Community Foundation called in about 5:15 pm and provided us with a summary of account options.
- ED Report
- OHN Update: over $10K, site is still open, most ever participated – 60-65, next year September 8th?
- Still focused on Clearwater: refining the electronic medical records, training Paula, developing policies for client assistance, working with Dave, & discussing moving the clearwater account over to AK USA.
- 3 Ph.D. students to provide program evaluation this coming year
- Financial Update: none this time
- Talent Show follow-up
- April 28th, 2018, Raven’s Landing (Fancy Gala?)
- Pricing: $75.00 / $50.00?
- Board Recruitment Follow-Up
- Discussion of Stacy’s application. Patrick will make reference calls. Marylee will follow up after that and invite Stacy to the next board meeting.
- Committee Reports
- Public Information:
- Newsletter schedule: November 13, 2017, to Graphic North.? And possibly one in October?
- 2018 Newsletter schedule and strategy: Plan a newsletter to go out in late August featuring OHN and issues about youth homelessness in Fairbanks. It will be an appeal to participate and/or donate.
- Schedule Nov/Dec Public Information meeting to assess website, review, and changes, and other short-term goals.
- Building
- Update on the bids requested by the board: 2 have been received thus far.
- Design Alaska bid was high and reaching beyond the scope of our needs.
- Dave will contact “Ringstad” to see if he is willing to assist us with this project.
- Update on the bids requested by the board: 2 have been received thus far.
- Sunshine committee
- Staff appreciation? YES, a repeat of the same last year, November/team/ Pho night. Sarah will bring a plan to the October meeting for review. Board members can bring additional ideas to share.
- Public Information:
- Next Meeting Date: Wednesday, October 18!
- Adjourned 6:44pm