How much is our current budget? Approximately – what percentage of the budget is for personnel?
Accept minutes from July 2017 meeting
Signature items
ED Report
Shelter: 13 yr. old
BHAP is in motion
Mayor’s March & One Homeless Night
National School Lunch Program Report
House Parent
Saltchuck & Positive Youth Development
Clearwater Counseling:
EMR program
Clients & Military Source One and TriCare
Cash Flow
Board Recruitment follow up:
Review board membership packet
Bring board member recruitment names or suggestions.
Discuss how we want to format the meeting in which we invite prospective board members.
Discuss Investment/Endowment options with the Alaska Community Foundation. Patrick will bring information and a proposal on how to go forward with this.
The Nonprofit Marketing Guide (This book may serve as a guide in helping us define a long term marketing plan)