- Roll call
- Open in prayer
- FYA review
- Website review and 2016 goals
- Accept minutes from September 2016 meeting
- Signature items
- Thank you Notes:
- Next Step
- Barb
- Liz
- Jared Lundgren & Blake LLC (made a solid door into a window door)
- Thank you Notes:
- Unfinished Business
- VISTA project: social enterprise feedback. Please review the PowerPoint presentation (under Operations Menu on Board website) and have some feedback to discuss direction towards a social enterprise project.
- Interim officer of Treasurer position
- ED Salary and overtime ruling
- Changes to minimum salary for non profit ED, and general salary options:$47,476 per year ($913 per week) as of Dec. 1
- Power point wage-and-hour-new-changes-roadshow-1
- Financial reports
- Current Profit and loss 2016-budget-to-actual-to-date
- Draft Budget review newdraftbudget_17
- ED report october2016edreport-1
- Fred Meyer Reward Card needs to be re-enrolled annually
- Campus wide “tobacco free campus”
- Should we become Employer of National Service (see description)
- What’s required? Organizations will identify themselves as an Employer of National Service on their website, in job applications, or in another approved manner that demonstrates to alumni that your organization understands and actively recruits those who have completed a national service program.
- Amanda Huff is putting on a mini-benefit concert for The Door. At this time it is scheduled for 7-8pm, Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 2760 Phillips Field Road. It would be donation based entry. Seattle-based musicians’ name is Isaiah Dominguez. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYj12oGAYEw
- Set time/date for January Annual Meeting (Agenda can be finalized during the Nov meeting).
- Saturday January 7 or 14??
- Annual Open House idea
- A time to thank donors using the green space, have music, food, etc..
- Reports
- Sunshine update & staff appreciation
- Public Information
- Property updates
- Schedule next meeting. Wed, Nov 30, 2016 ? (no meeting in December)
- Adjourn
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Hi Everyone,
I added a few support documents to the agenda.