Update on financial meeting and make a board decision on the final amount of bonus for Dave Bate’s salary.
Hear from Marylee about job positions to lighten her load.
ED report
Shelter Use/ 2016 vs 2015
Staff Updates
Events and news
Faithwalk & More
Financial (Liz)
Latest Financial Report
Patrick, Liz, Marylee, Diedre and Kathy met on May 13 for a few hours to discuss the book keeping and billing process of Clearwater, in order to better understand and communicate about financial matters. It was a valuable and informative meeting for all present.
Public Information
Discuss committee volunteers
Heidi Bryan (anyone met with Heidi yet?)
White House demo and contaminated update.
Green space development: Marylee
Staff/Volunteer appreciation meeting update June 8, 2016.
Schedule next meeting, Thursday June 23? (Patrick may not be able to make it but perhaps Dave M. could chair the meeting?) We have no meeting in July.