The latest on the White house, 126 10th Ave., and necessary decisions
Revisit the resolution made during the last meeting about Dave Bates’ Bonus, This needs to be re assessed based on some figures that were used to calculate this bonus have changed because of changes made in Quickbooks. (Liz will explain this).
Board Member Volunteer hours: Please calculate your monthly hours so Sarah update this document during the meeting.
A budget approval is needed to support the Shelter Manager position held by Kelli Boyle – 32 hours/wk.
Bookkeeper: Deidre Larson
Reaching Kids: Outreach
Reaching Parents
Review Conflict of Interest Policy: Excerpt Taken from Item #10 of the Board Expectations Document
Avoid situations that could result in a business, professional, or personal conflict of interest. (A generally accepted rule of thumb is that a board member or his/her family members may not receive any gain–tangible or intangible–through the connection with the board. Members must avoid any situation in which their loyalty may be divided, and promptly disclose any situation where an actual or potential conflict may exist).
There must be no self dealing or any conduct of private business or personal services between any board member and any client or volunteer except as procedurally controlled to assure openness and competitive opportunity.
Board members must not use their positions to obtain employment for themselves, family members, or close associates. Should a member of the board desire employment, he or she must resign from the board prior to asking to be considered for a position.
Members will disclose their involvement with other organizations, with vendors, or with any other associations that might produce a conflict.
When the board is to decide upon an issue about which a board member has an unavoidable conflict of interest, that member shall absent herself or himself without comment from not only the vote but also from the deliberation.
Review for possible changes – to be finalized during March meeting
ED 360 Evaluation
ED Self Evaluation
Board Self Evals (sent via email, due by April 15
Board ED Eval (sent via email, due by April 15
Financial (Liz)
Latest Financial Report
Clarification on Profit/Loss and Clearwater
Excerpt from Financial Policies:
“Donors are recorded in a spreadsheet noting their contribution method, amount & address. The same information is entered into QuickBooks upon recording the donation.”
Schedule next meeting (April 21 or 22 – these are the only days that Patrick is available in late April/early May, if this does not work for the majority perhaps Dave Miller will be back and can chair an April meeting on a different date)