Whatever Brad chooses to go through per our discussion last board meeting.
Discuss the recent donor development, property acquisition, and the associated ramifications of a campus development. Possible endowment option.
Property taxes for three lots
White house: 906.62/year
2 story duplex 2975.88 /year
open lot: 249.32 year
ED Report: Marylee
Vehicle Update: The stick shift is a problem with the staff at the Door, so we should consider selling the car and putting an interim plan in place for transportation until we can acquire the right vehicle.
Signage for the Door:
Approximate price is $300 for a 3×5 foot Dibond sign. If the board is comfortable with letting the Public Information committee come up with a design and proceed with signs for the office and the Door.
Thank you calls to donors (if you have a chance to call before the meeting, please do)
Door of Hope Youth Group: for $300+ message for Shane Hopkins (collected offerings over a few months) Patrick 457-4673
Fairbanks Host Lion’s Club, $1000:
Yvonne Temple (is a Christian, & owner and general manager of the Alpine Lodge. She may not be aware that the Host Lions donated this amount as she was out of town but we have visited/emailed several times. Dave Miller – 328-6361
Anthony Gasbarro $200: (First time donor in May) Kath 455-6287
Evelyn Arnott and David and Barbie Keller $250 “Donates a part of her real estate profits”: Barb978-9545
Greg Egan, Remote Power, $1000 for food supporting local and organic Greg is also volunteering and has helped with small repairs, Meryem 457-4299
Fairbanks Lutheran, Recently donated $1000: Pastor Paul Bodin, but also gave over $4500 earlier in the year. Brad 452-3425
Lyngholm, Patricia & family, $1000: Sarah 488-2235
Colleen & Gary Pedretty, $500: First time donor, but has been volunteering (Tech support – phones, computers, everything tech) for years. 474-9334
Remember to add your volunteer hours to the spreadsheet on google docs