Mission review: Review current employees and positions.
how many do we have
what are the newest hires and positions
Signature items
M’s timesheet
Voting items
Review and discuss Tami Manning’s board application.
ED Report: Marylee
Review bids for roof renovations on the FYA office.
The car has been reviewed by a mechanic and they are suggesting repairs that total $576: Valve Cover Gasket and CV joints.
Gift to Sarah: Marylee has gift idea for Sarah Smith – after 3 years, her VISTA position is over in November.
Financial – Brad
Public Information – Patrick
Marylee and Patrick had two Public Information meetings since our last board meeting. One with Steve Neumoth Advertising and one with Jana Pierce from Information Insights. We received some advice from Steve on when is the strategic time to spend money on ads, based on the election cycle. We also discussed web link ads in the News Miner, along with revision to our current video to bring it up to date. We reviewed our website with Jana and asked if she would consider participating in the committee to offer biannual consulting review of our websites, along with assistance with some of the more advanced web work. She is able to currently assist us with pro bono work through Information Insights, and next March she will be ready to evaluate further participation with FYA when her schedule lightens. They were both helpful and productive meetings.
Updates on the recent work projects
One Homeless night updates – Meryem/others
Events and Volunteers Committee
Reorganization of committee – Sarah F.
Employee benefits / gym memberships – Kathy B
Upcoming Events:
June 18: Fundraiser with Credit Union
Board members – please try to attend this if at all possible. Invite anyone that you think may be interested. We now have magnetic name tags for all board members to wear at events.
August 2: Golden Heart Rotary Golf Fundraiser at Chena Bend
Sept. 13: One homeless night.
Anything else?
Next Board Meeting: Thursday July 1, 2014 or skip July due to summer activities?