Roll Call
Possible Visitor: Mark Harris
Open in prayer
Voting and Signature Items?
Dave’s & Marylee job contracts are under annual review and we should sign off on them and keep the board apprised of the contractual contents. All employees for FYA were approved a COLA at the last board meeting. Discussion regarding COLA for Dave.
Vocational Education Assistance: Youth Requests: – for tuition funds request no more than $211, but not a line item.
ESG/BHAP Resolution to be signed.
Timesheets: Patrick signs for Marylee.
- Next Meeting Date
Unfinished business
The car at Patrick’s house
Vehicle needs: type, size, purpose
Director’s Report
We heard from the Alaska Mental Health Trust and we’re approved for a $8900 grant for washers/dryers, refrigerators, lockers and a main workstation computer.
We received a check (20K) from the Rasmuson foundation (Security, phones, lockers and other household items)
We have yet to receive an invoice or bill from JRE, but I am sure it will be
coming soon. -
We have moved 85% of the contents of the FPC basement over to The Door thanks to the LDS young adults, and another youth group helped to begin the task of organizing it.
And sadly, we needed to terminate our relationship with one of our employees -lots of dishonesty, a vindictive attitude, and not representing FYA well. We hired one of our volunteers who has been with us from the beginning, temporarily. Presently – it is a 6 week commitment.
And best news for last – our application for licensing will be mailed on Monday – finally. It is a book of course – lots of hard work on Nichole’s part, and Sarah S of course is our resident editor and chief policy word puzzler.
The Latest:
- Pink House update, 132 Tenth: freshly painted, new interior doors, new hardware and light fixtures, & carpet in the offices. Most of it is covered by a donation, Clearwater Counseling will pay the difference.
- Moving update: We’ve been backed up, unable to completely move into offices at 138 because large office desks in 138 need to go to 132. They could not go to 132, because Pink – was getting a face lift. Face lift is now done. Furniture will be moved Friday or Saturday. Dave’s office will be moved Friday. CC is paying for Sourdough Transfer to complete this.
- CC bookkeeper Kathie Gettinger contract: requested a raise, from 8.5 to 9.5% of gross that is brought into CC.Dave estimates this to be an additional cost of $2000 per year.
- Donor Tiles: 3×3, 3×6, 3×9 representing those who give $1000, $2500, & $5000.
- Dave Bates reports an 18% increase in income for Clearwater Counseling, an 11% increase in clients. This most likely, is his maximum. Insurance rates can account for some of the increase.
- Staffing: We have a position posted presently for part time check in. We have had a number of new volunteers lately. We have 3 interns this semester as well.
- Volunteer: Beth – see photo. Beth, a retired nurse, comes via Van Tran every Tuesday morning. From 9:30 – 11:45 or so, she does whatever needs to be done. She is a champion letter writer so she often writes Thank You notes to agencies that contribute.
Treasurer’s Report
Saturday Feb 1, 9:00 to 1:00PM, (Meet at The Door) agenda with Foraker: These are just a few thoughts listed, lets review these during the meeting so we can refine an agenda for the Saturday meeting with Mike. Any ideas or issue that you think we should address at this stage and time in our growth?
What is Foraker’s advice to us at this point?
Refining mission statement that is inclusive to CC.
Here we are now, where do we go from here?
Board relationship to ED
- Board, ED evaluations and conflict of interest.
Long-term fundraising plans
Employee Incentive ideas
Membership to Planet Fitness?
At the end of the year, bonus hours ( if they normally work an 8 hour shift, then +8 hours, if they normally work 3.5 hours, then +3.5 hours?
CDBG Closure (see printed handout)
The agency provided $243,722.24 in matching funds to include project management ($6,471.49-City), administration ($1,149.75-Marylee’s Time), construction consultation ($19,440.00-Dave Miller’s Time), building construction ($45,363.00-Carpet, Cupboards, etc.), storage services ($7,200.00-Use of the pink house), and property ($164,098.00).
Smoke Free Workplace – American Lung resolution (This is a document that requests FYA to participate in this effort. Should we do it – Marylee will discuss)
Fundraising Information:
- Fred meyer
- Beginning Monday, February 3, whenever they shop with their Rewards Card at Freddy’s, they’ll be helping your organization earn a donation!
- Design Alaska
- The idea of a 5K, or Couch Surfing something like the Outhouse races in Chatinika and Bed races in North Pole.
- Credit Union 1
- I wanted to touch base with you and let you know that we have selected Fairbanks Youth Advocates to be the focus point for our fund raising events for 2014. We will be doing random fund raisers throughout the year. Our main one will be held at our Member appreciation event that is being held on May 22 this year. It will be the same format as our event last year. We are honored to be able to make a difference in the lives of the youth in Fairbanks and I hope that you are okay that we have selected your organization again. Please add the May 22 date to your calendar and I hope you and some of the board members will be able to attend again. Teresa Moore, Branch Manager, Credit Union 1